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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of " The Electric Lines Act, 1884."


Ranpuely, Governor. Oedeb in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-ninth day of January, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Govebnoe in Council. Whebeas by Order in Council dated the twenty-third day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the twenty-sixth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, amended regulations were made providing for the use of Government telephones for the purpose of conversing between certain telegraph-offices within the colony: And whereas it is desirable to further amend such regulations in respect of the fees to be charged for such use of Government telephones : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon him by "The Electric Lines Act, 1884," and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby revoke the regulations set forth in the Schedule to the aforesaid Order in Council, and in lieu thereof doth hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto, providing for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and doth declare that such last-mentioned regulations shall have effect on and from the date of the first publication of this Order in Council in the New Zealand Gazette.

Schedule. . Begulations. Foe the purposes of these regulations the expression "long-distance wires" shall mean wires ordinarily used for telegraph purposes of a length from office to office of not less than twenty miles. 1. Government telephones may only be used by the public for the purpose of conversing over long-distance wires at such times as may be fixed and notified by the Electric Telegraph Commissioner. 2. The following are the charges to be paid by the public for the use of Government telephones at such times and for such purposes as aforesaid : — (a.) When the conversation takes place through exchanges which are open continuously, or through other exchanges or bureaux during the ordinary hoars of attendance of switchboard or bureau attendants : For a period not exceeding six minutes, 2s. 6d.; and a further charge of 2s. 6d. for every additional period of six minutes or portion of six minutes. (b.) When special attendance of switchboard or bureau attendants out of ordinary hours of attendance is required, then for each such switchboard or bureau attendant called upon to make the necessary wire-connections: For every hour or less, 2s. 6d., in addition to the charges set forth in subsection (a). Alex. Willis, Clerk of the Executive Council.