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EDUCATION: THE VICTORIA COLLEGE. ("THE VICTORIA COLLEGE ACT, 1897.") [In continuation of E.-10, 1899.]

Presented in pursuance of the Act.

Visitor. —The Hon. the Minister of Education. Members of Council. Appointed by His Excellency the Governor in Counoil— J. Graham, M.H.R.; A. W. Hogg, M.H.R.; A. R. Guinness, M.H.R. Elected by members of the Legislature—W. A. Chappie, M.A., M.D.; C. Wilson; 0. P. Knight, LL.D. Elected by members of Education Boards — J. R. Blair, A. P. Seymour, G. Talbot. Elected by graduates— J. Firth, 8.A.; His Honour Sir R. Stout, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice ; Right Rev. F. Wallis, D.D. Elected by publio-sohool teaohers—Rev. W. A. Evans; T. R. Fleming, M.A., LL.B.; C. Watson, B.A. Appointed by His Exoellency the Governor for Professorial Board—D. P. James, F.R.C.S. Staff. Professors. —Classios—John Brown, M.A., St. Andrew's and Oxford. English Language and Literature— H. Mackenzie, M.A,, St. Andrew's. Chemistry and Physios—T. H. Easterfield, M.A., Cambridge, Ph.D. Wiirzburg. Mathematios and Mathematical Physics—R. C. Maclaurin, M.A., LL.M., N.Z. and Cambridge. Lecturers. —French—Professor Brown. German — J. W. Joynt, Mn. Mental Science—Professor Mackenzie. Jurisprudence and Constitutional History—Professor Maolaurin. General History and Political Eoonomy— D. Ritchie, B.A. Oxford, B.L. Edinburgh, W.S. Law—M. W. Riohmond, B.Sc, London. Geology—C. E. Adams, B.Sc, New Zealand. Registrar.— C. P. Powles. The Chairman, Victoria College Council, to the Secbbtaey, Education Department. Sib,— Victoria College, Wellington, 21st June, 1900. I have the honour to report that the work of the College has during the past year been very satisfactory considering the disadvantage under which it is labouring in having no proper buildings, the lectures being still given, some at the Girls' High School and some at the Technical School, in rooms the tenure of which is on no permanent basis. The number of students on the roll last year was 115, and in addition there were nine exempted students ; of these, forty-six kept terms, passing the College examinations in October. For the first term this year there are 129 students on the roll. Since the date of last report lecturers have been appointed in law and geology, the Council being anxious, so far as their limited means will allow, to provide for all classes of students. At the examination for the Queen's Scholarships in December last there were 116 candidates from the following educational districts, viz.: Wellington, 68; Hawke's Bay, 16; Taranaki, 9; Wanganui, 6; Nelson, 10; Westland, 6; Grey, 1. The six scholarships were awarded to scholars of the District High School, Westport; the Clyde Quay Public School, Wellington (two); the Terrace Public School, Wellington; the Masterton Public School; and the Omata Public School. , The Council has under consideration the matter of these scholarships, and has made certain proposals to the Government which it is hoped will be adopted, so that the College may be relieved from the burden of supplying the funds for them, and be enabled to better provide for their own students. The Council would urge upon Government the necessity of providing buildings for the College; not only are the students greatly inconvenienced by having to attend lectures in different parts of the town, but the want of a centre of their own greatly interferes with the very important social side of their work—clubs, debating society, &c. Moreover, there is no proper accommodation for