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The samples generally represent coal of a valuable kind.

(1.) From the outcrop of No. 1 seam : Gives a loose coke ; ash red. (2.) From the inner face of the drive on No. 1 seam : Gives a loose coke ; ash red. (3.) From the first-disoovered outcrop, seam No. 1: Frits decidedly ; ash reddish. (4.) From the group of small seams, No. 3 working, middle band: Frits freely; ash reddish. (5.) From No. 3 working, lower band: Coke has not ooherenoe ; ash white, mottled red. (6.) No. 4 seam, lower band: Coke frits, but can be broken up by the fingers ; ash buff-coloured. (7.) No. 4 seam, middle band: Coke frits fairly well; ash red. (8.) No. 4 seam, upper band: Coke frits to a hard mass; ash reddish. (9.) Mount Nebo outcrop: Coke frits together feebly ; ash pale-yellow. (10.) Wairaki Creek, the highest seam of the group : Coke frits feebly ; ash brown. W. Skey, Government Analyst. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,375 copies), £3 3s.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oo.

Centesimal Composition. Particulars of Locality. Fixed Carbon. Hydrocarbon, &c, Volatile Matter. Water. Ash. Evaporative Power. 1. Outcrop of seam No. 1 2. Inner faoe o{ drive, seam No. 1 3. No. 2 working, No. 1 seam (first known outcrop) .. 4. No. 3 working, middle seam 5. No. 3 working, lower seam 6. No. 4 working, lower band 7. No. 4 working, middle band 8. No. 4 working, upper band 9. Mount Nebo outcrop, same seam as No. 4 working .0. Uppermost seam, next overlying No. 4 .. 52-13 51-85 4944 51-57 41-90 44-53 57-08 57-53 58-19 54-11 36-66 3818 34-89 34-84 28-26 33-97 30-15 33-51 34-98 3664 6-12 4-63 5-07 4-52 5 63 5-41 6-61 6-80 5-22 5-02 5-09 5-34 10-60 9-07 24-21 16-09 6-16 2-16 1-81 4-23 "7-47 6-77 6-73 6-42 674 5-44 5-80 6-41 7-47 7-56 7-00 Average composition of the ten samples analysed 51-83 34-20 5-50 6-63 * Excluding 5 and 6, 4-31.