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No. Area. Selected for cash ... ... ... ... ... 114 17,824 acres. Occupation with right of purchase ... ... ... 458 109,949 „ Lease in perpetuity ... ... ... ... 362 99,262 „ If from the total number of selectors or purchasers shown in Table B (2,209) are deducted those who took up town, suburban, and pastoral lands, together with the forfeitures and surrenders, we shall get 1,050 selectors who took up what may be called farms, and who are obliged by the conditions to reside and improve their properties. Under the deferred-payment and perpetual-lease systems of previous Acts, which allow of the acquisition of the freehold, the following transactions took place :— No. Area. Deferred payments... ... ... ... ... 365 43,818 acres. Perpetual lease ... ... ... ... ... 224 85,492 „ The above figures do not, of course, show so many new settlers, for the selections were made several years ago, but the freehold was only acquired during the past year. On the 31st March last there were still remaining 1,258 selectors holding land on the deferred-payment system, and 1,974 holding under the perpetual-lease system, with the right of purchase ; whilst those who hold their lands by lease in perpetuity numbered 5,979. The selections made under a few special clauses of the Act are as shown in the following table:—

Table C.

The average size of farms taken up last year, excluding town, suburban, pastoral runs, grazingruns, and miscellaneous, was 196 acres ; the average for 1898 being 190 acres ; for 1897, 138 acres ; and for 18961 162 acres. Under the optional system, where the size of the farm is—subject to the law-—decided by the applicant, the average size was 243 acres; that for 1898 being 222 acres, and for 1897 220 acres. The following table shows in a compact form the lands of all descriptions taken up during the last few years : —

Table D.

The above are the gross transactions, without any deductions for forfeitures or surrenders, and represent figures which are constantly fluctuating, due to the running-out of leases or the purchase of the freehold, &c. The amount of land thrown open for selection or purchase in some form or another during the period under consideration was as shown below. The total is somewhat less than for the previous year. It includes the lands surrendered or forfeited and again thrown open, and also endowments, estates acquired, &c.

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Under Section 114. Under Section 115. Under Section 117. Under Section 13 ol Act of 1895. Number. Area. Number. Area. Number. Area. Number. Area. Cash .. Deferred payment Occupation with right of purchase Lease in perpetuity Village homestead Acres. i 29 1 13 6 786 18 2,214 Acres. 6 31 i 1,014 14 Acres. 99 9 Acresi 103

Year. Number of Selectors or Purchasers. Area taken up during the Year. Territorial Revenue. Total Revenue collected. Number of Tenants on the Books. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 2,529 2,653 2,420 2,519 3,071 2,876 2,547 2,865 2,173 2,058 2,542 Aores. 2,313,611 4,155,472 2,154,138 1,453,082 1,663,339 1,393,918 1,015,577 2,662,344 1,600,695 2,451,062 1,357,466 £ 310,061 304,842 352,417 320,483 274,399 282,067 338,166 291,673 272,954 263,296 273,799 £ Not given. 322,885 364,938 324,470 310,523 347,343 375,879 345,331 360,993 359,086 385,145 Not given. 12,164 11,995 12,735 14,261 15,081 15,326 15,683 15,527 16,365 16,572