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Numbee of New Selectobs and Abea taken up from Ist April, 1898, to 31st March, 1899, and Total Amount of Money received during the Year.

Table A.

The details in the above Table A may be summarised under a few headings for purposes of comparison with the transactions of previous years. The figures include the ordinary Crown lands, Land for Settlements estates, Cheviot Estate, Thermal Springs, &c, but exclude endowments, miscellaneous and temporary leases, for the latter scarcely come under the heading of ordinary settlement.

Table B.

It will be noticed that there is an increase in the number of selectors or purchasers who took up lands as compared with last year, the largest increase being under the head of cash purchasers, which is due largely to the sale of town sections. An increase is also shown in the number of selections under the occupation-with-right-of-purchase and lease-in-perpetuity systems. It will be seen that the largest number of selections are now under the lease-in-perpetuity system, one of the reasons for which is that in several of the systems this tenure is obligatory. Under the optional system (Part 111. of the Act) the following figures will show the popular choice : —


Nature and Tenure of Lands selected. Number of Purchasers or Selectors. Area. Cash received on Past and Current Transactions. Selectors. i. AX R a "p. Town lands sold for cash .. 249 135 l - 25) Suburban lands sold for cash 97 962 3 38 \ Rural lands sold for cash .. 182 35,090 2 OJ Deferred payments Perpetual lease (cash includes money from perpetual leases made freehold, £65,749 10s. 6d.) Occupation with right of purchase Lease in perpetuity Agricultural lease Village settlement, cash „ deferred payment.. „ perpetual lease (cash includes money from perpetual lease made freehold, £145 15s. 7d.) „ occupation with right of purchase .. ,, lease in perpetuity Village-homestead special settlement Special-settlement associations Improved - farm special settlement (lease in perpetuity and occupation with right of purchase) Occupation leases, Mining Act Small grazing-runs Pastoral runs Thermal springs, Eotorua Miscellaneous leases and licenses Cheviot Estate — Gash lands Lease in perpetuity Village - homestead special settlement (lease in perpetuity) Grazing-f arms Pastoral runs Miscellaneous Land for Settlements Acts— Lease in perpetuity Lease in perpetuity, village Special-settlement associations (lease in perpetuity) .. Small grazing-runs Miscellaneous 528 1 1 458 -362 2 21 3 104 12 5 64 k. B. F. 36,188 3 23 13 0 0 640 0 0 109,949 3 30 99,262 0 3 114 1 11 29 3 6 2 0 0 2,100 1 2 133 2 36 607 1 10 4,822 3 24 £ s. d. 23,267 18 i 20,754 8 11 84,452 16 6 15,319 5 6 20,430 2 11 79 19 0 327 6 3 217 17 9 970 10 5 10 1 5 1,423 13 8 2,235 13 9 8,834 6 10 1,616 9 0 31 21 227 29 304 1,448 3 1 48,809 3 17 760,156 1 1 87 2 28 201,474 0 8 228 0 3 22,022 4 9 78,952 19 6 1,351 13 6 21,788 16 2 6 1,210 3 14 3,234 2 0 5,911 19 10 813 11 4 "6 196 0 0 6,259 14 4 262 3 8 566 9 5 313 2 60,152 3 29 15 0 2 34,446 1 4 258 12 8 170 18 4 3,011 2 9 917 15 6 19 23 28,821 3 19 1,229 1 1 Totals 2,542 1*357,466 2 25 360,136 15 2

1897. 1898. 1899. Tenure. Number. Area. Number. Area. Number. Area. lash )eferred payment 'erpetual lease (ceupation with right of purchase jease in perpetuity .. 'astoral and grazing runs (ccupation and agricultural leases, Mining Acts 392 19 281 966 156 50 Acres. 28,489 9,106 59,652 139,571 1,256,706 2,830 274 2 382 782 209 28 Acres. 22,526 651 81,416 128,855 2,139,872 1,542 555 1 1 461 891 267 33 Acres. 37,427 13 640 109,951 167,178 837,786 1,562 'orfeitures and surrenders 1,864 852 1,496,354 592,035 1,677 704 2,374,862 779,271 2,209 586 1,154,557 499,152 1,012 904,319 973 1,595,591 1,623 655,405