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ment, with the recommendation that legislation be introduced this session to as nearly as possible meet the views of the Natives. The Committee also recommends that the evidence taken be printed. 3rd October, 1899. (Vide Appendix 1.-3 a.)

[Translation.] Nos. 403, 423, 114, 115, 116, 168, 169, 170, 321, 322, 390, 391, 392, 396, 397, 411, 412, 413, 414, 439, 440, 455, 456, me 467. —Nga Pitihana a Tupu Taingakawa me tetahi atu, Tamahau Mahupuku me etahi atu tokorua, Enoka te Taitea me etahi atu c toru tekau ma ono, Tutanuku Tume me etahi atu c whitu tekau ma rua, Kaeaitiana Wibihana me etahi atu c waru tekau ma wha, H. T. Whatahobo, Tamahau Mahupuku me etahi atu c waru tekau ma iwa, Hautahi Apobo me.etahi atu kotahi rau kotahi tekau, Apibana Tukotahi me etahi atu c ono tekau, Apebahama te Kume me etahi atu c whitu tekau ma toru, Heta Hakiwai me etahi atu kotahi rave rua fcekau ma whitu, Wibemu Pikai me etahi atu c rima tekau ma waru, Tauha Nikoba me etahi atu tekau ma tahi, Ihaka Whanga me etahi atu c ono tekau ma wha, Hoeea Katipo me etahi atu c ono tekau ma iwa, Hone Pabeata me etahi atu kotahi rave rima tekau ma waru, Ebu te Whana me etahi atu kotahi rave iwa, Wibemu Potae me etahi atu kotahi rave ono, Moana Tautau me etahi atu c rima tekau ma ono, Heta Matua me etahi atu kotahi tekau, Betibeti Tapihana me etahi atu kotahi rau tekau ma tahi, Paku Maki me etahi atu c rua rave waru tekau ma waru, Haee Matbnga me etahi atu c ono tekau ma tahi, Hobi Pubu me etahi atu c. toru rave toru tekau ma ono. B iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina nga ture c pa ana ki nga Mea Maori. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti ko enei pitihana, hui atu ki nga korero i korerotia kite aroaro o te Komiti mo runga mo tenei take, me tuku atu kite Kawanatanga me te whai kupu atu kia mahia he ture i tenei tuunga o te Paremete, i runga ano i nga mea c taea ana, hei whakatutuki i nga hiahia ote iwi Maori. Ako tetahi kupu ate Komiti me perehi katoa nga korero mo tenei take i korerotia nei kite aroaro o tenei Komiti. 3 o Oketopa, 1899.

No. 112.—Petition of Ewe Hohua. Petitioner prays for rehearing in connection with the succession to Momoia te Karangi, deceased, whose interest in Waimate No. 3 Block has been awarded to a person who wrongfully represented himself as sole surviving relative. ■ I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion that this petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. 10th October, 1899.

[Teanslation.] No. 112.—Pitihana a Ewe Hohua. E INOi ana te kai-pitihana kia whakawakia tuaruatia te riiwhitanga o tetahi tupapaku, ara, o Momoia te Karangi, i whakataua nei tona hea i Waimate No. 3 Poraka ki tetahi tangata i korero he ko ia anake te uri tata c ora nei o te tupapaku. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia uiuia. 10 o Oketopa, 1899.

No. 172. —Petition of Mccc Poaneki and 2 Others. Petitioners pray for readjustment of the subdivisional boundaries of Te Eeureu Blocks. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that this petition be referred to the Government for consideration and inquiry. 10th October, 1899.

[Teanslation.] No. 172.—Pitihana a Mere Poaneki me etahi atu tokorua. E iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia whakatikatikaina nga rohe wawahanga o Te Eeureu Poraka. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu tenei pitihana ki te Kawanatanga kia whiriwhiria a kia uiuia. 10 o Oketopa, 1899.

No. 307. —Petition of Ihaia te Awanui and 5 Others. Petitioners complain that they have not been put in possession of a small piece of land near Kaikoura, Marlborough District, which one Walter Gibson gave in exchange for 247 acres, part of Parangarahu No. A Block; in consequence they now claim to have a right to the last-mentioned land, and pray for consideration. I am directed to report that the Committee is of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 10th October, 1899.

[Translation.] No. 307. —Pitihana a Ihaia te Awanui me etahi atu tokorima. E ki ana nga kai-pitihana kaore ano ratou i whakawhiwhia ki tetahi whenua, he piihi paku nei, c tata ana ki Kaikoura, Takiwa o Wairau, i hoatu nei ki a ratou c tetahi tangata, ko Walter Gibson te ingoa, hei utu mo to ratou 247 eka, wahi o Parangarahu No. A Poraka; ana reira eki ana