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te Katoa kia utua c ia ki nga uri o Wereta Tainui nga nioni katoa i puta i runga i te hokonga o Poraka 7, Eahui Maori, Greymouth (Te Nikau). Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, i te mea kei te tarewa tonu i te aroaro o te Kooti Whenua Maori te tono kia whakaturia nga kai-riiwhi mo Wereta Tainui, na reira kaore kau a te Koiniti kupu mo runga i tenei pitihana. 17 o Akuhata, 1899.

Nos. 69, 100, 119, 197, and 220. —Petitions of Thomas Eustace Gbben and 60 Others, Tibmi Hipi and 44 Others, Teonb Tikao Wiba and 64 Others, Taaeb tb Maihaboa and 31 Others, and Henaee Eehu and 45 Others. Petitioners pray that the power of willing away Native lands may be taken from the Maoris of the South Island, and that all wills made up to the present time may be revoked. No. 138.—Petition of Taituha Hape and 8 Others. Petitioners pray that a law be enacted setting at rest all question as to validity of wills in connection with Native lands, and that the right of Maoris to make wills in favour of whom they please may be maintained. No. 239. —Petition of John Moebis and 34 Others. Petitionees, who are the lessees of Kaiapoi Native Eeserves, fearing that recent decisions in regard to Maori wills in connection with the lands occupied by them may upset their titles, pray that legislation may be passed setting at rest all matters of dispute, and guaranteeing them security of tenure. I am directed to,report that the Committee is of opinion that the above-mentioned petitions should be referred to the Government, and that a case should be stated by the Native Appellate Court as soon as possible for the Supreme Court, in order to test the validity of Native wills in regard to Native lands under all classes of restrictions. 17th August, 1899.

[Tbanslation.] Nos. 69, 100, 119, 197, me 220.—Pitihana a Thomas Eustace Gbeen me etahi atu c ono tekau, a Tiemi Hipi me etahi atu c wha tekau ma wha, a Teone Tikao Wiba me etahi atu c ono tekau ma wha, a Taaee te Maihaboa me etahi atu c toru tekau ma tahi, a Henabe Eehu,me etahi atu c wha tekau ma rima. E iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia tangohia atu i nga Maori o Te Waipounamu te mana c ahei nei ratou kite tuku-a-wira i o ratou whenua Maori, a kia whakakorea atu te mana o nga wira i mahia c nga Maori o reira i mua atu o tenei ra. No. 138.—Pitihana a Taituha Hapb me etahi atu tokowaru. E iNOi ana nga kai-pitihana kia mahia he ture hei whakatau i te tika o nga wira katoa i mahia mo nga whenua Maori, a kia mau tonu ki nga Maori te mana tuku wira ki a ratou nei tangata c pai ai. No. 239. —Pitihana a John Moeeis me etahi atu c toru tekau ma wha. Ko nga tangata na ratou tenei pitihana he kai-reti i nga Eahui Maori i Kaiapoi, a i runga i to ratou manawapa kei whakakorea atu c nga whakataunga wira o naia tata nei o ratou taitara ki nga whenua c nohoia mai nei c ratou, na reira ka inoi ratou kia paahitia he ture hei whakatau i nga take pera katoa c tautohetohetia ana, a hei whakapumau i o ratou taitara ki aua whenua. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kite whakaaro o te Komiti me tuku atu nga pitihana katoa kua huaina ake nei kite Kawanatanga, a me tere tonu te whakatakoto a te Kooti Piira Maori i tetahi keehi hei tuku atu kite Hupirimi Kooti, hei whakamatau i te tika i te he ranei o nga wira Maori c pa ana ki nga whenua katoa c uru ana he here ki roto ki nga taitara. 17 o Akuhata, 1899.

No. 259, 1897. —Petition of Hone Tuhata (John Damon). Petitionee alleges that he and two other members of his family have been wrongfully deprived of their interests in the Ngarara Block, and prays that legislation may be passed to enable them to obtain their rights. I am directed to report that the Committee, having gone thoroughly into this case, has no recommendation to make in regard to the same. 22nd August, 1899. : —

[Teanslation.] No. 259, 1897. —Pitihana a Hone Tuhata (John Damon). E ki ana te kai-pitihana kua tangohia hetia nga paanga kite Ngarara Poraka o ratou ko etahi atu tokorua o tona whanau, a c inoi ana kia paahitia he ture hei whakawhiwhi i a ratou ki o ratou tika. Kua whakahaua ahau kia ki penei, kua tino whiriwhiria c te Komiti tenei take, a kaore kau ana kupu mo tenei mea. 22 o Akuhata, 1899.