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hereby incorporated in and declared to form part of this award ; and, further, that the workmen's association and every member thereof, and the employers and each and every of them, shall respectively do, observe, and perform every matter and thing by the said terms, conditions, and provisions on the part of the workmen's association and the members thereof and on the part of the employers respectively required to be done, observed, and performed, and shall not do anything in contravention of the said terms, conditions, and provisions, but shall in all respects abide by and observe and perform the same. And the Court doth hereby further award, order, and declare that any breach of the said terms, conditions, and provisions set out in the schedule hereto annexed shall constitute a breach of this award, and that the sum of £100 shall be the maximum penalty payable by any party or person in respect of any such breach : Provided, however (as provided by the 3rd section of "The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act Amendment Act, 1898 ") that the aggregate amount of penalties payable under or in respect of this award shall not exceed £500. And this Court doth further order that this award shall take effect from the 27th day of February, 1899, and shall continue in force until the Ist day of September, 1900. And this Court doth further order that a duplicate of this award shall be filed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Canterbury District, at Ohristchurch. And this Court doth lastly order that the said Nathaniel Suckling and John Suckling shall pay to the workmen's association in respect of its costs of the said reference the sum of £5 ss. and half Court-fees; and that the said Ephraim Toomer shall also pay to the workmen's association in respect of its costs of the said reference the sum of £5 ss. and half Court-fees. In witness whereof the seal of the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand hath been hereunto put and affixed, and the President of the said Churt hath hereunto set his hand, this 24th day of February, 1899. W. B. Edwabds, J., President. [The schedule referred to is not published.] Chbistchdbch Painters. In the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand, Canterbury Industrial District.—ln the matter of " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894," and the amendments thereof; and in the matter of an industrial dispute between the Christchurch Painters' Industrial Union of Workers (hereinafter called " the union "), and Charles Duggan, Cochrane and Collins, Frederick Bullen, William Evans, Henry Bost, John Soanes, George Maxwell, Joseph Wolfred, William Mabley, Charles Mills, Henry Charles Dowle, Austin Griffiths, Thomas Webb, Robert Manks, Edward Charles Chegwin, George W. Allan, James Cowley, J. Arthur Lummis, Henry Shave, Stephen Harper, Edward Samuels, Dugald Macmillan, George Duggan, Edward Bond, William Bush and Sons, William Sey, James Heslop, Charles Mazey, James Greig, — Bethel, P. Manhire, Mrs. James Allen, William Parry, England and Martin, Joseph Venables, William Samuels, John Wellesley Smith, John W. Baker, John Wills, Joseph Lee and Sons, Charles Murphy, John Thompson, Harrington and Son, William Nicholls, Bradley Brothers, William G. Mumford, Frederick Mantell, Francis Banks, Thomas Henry Davies, Henry Samuels, Alexander Simpson, Mathew Bishop, Edward Henwood, Thomas Gapes and Co., Thomas Archbold, Frederick Bowen, Joseph Cragg, James Goss, George Fletcher, George Arthur Mazey, Benjamin Button, John A. Paton, Arthur Webb, William H. Downes, Thomas James Archbold, James A. Bowbyes, Richard Joughin, Alfred Allen, Gerald George Compton, all of Christchurch, master painters (hereinafter called " the employers "). The Court of Arbitration of New Zealand (hereinafter called " the Court "), having taken in consideration th e matter of the above-mentioned dispute, and having heard the union by its representatives duly appointed, and having also heard the following employers, namely : B. Button, S. Harper, R, C. Joughin, W. Mably, J. A. Lumis, J. A. Paton, F. Bullen, J. Lee and Sons, G. W. Allan, W. H. Nioholls, A. Simpson, G. A. Mazey, Charles Mills, James Greig, Charles Duggan, M. Bishop, Robert Manks, J. W. Baker, F. Mantell, Coohrane and Collins, A. S. Griffiths, England and Martin, D. Macmillan, T. H. Davies, George Duggan, T. J. Archbold, James Heslop, Henry Charles Dowle, William Sey, JohD Thompson, James Allan, by their representatives duly appointed, and the firm of Thomas Gapes and Co. by Thomas Gapes (a member of the said firm), and Edward Samuels in person ; and having also heard the witnesses called by and on behalf of the union and of the employers respectively, and oross-examined by the said parties respectively, doth hereby order and award that, as between the union and the members thereof and the employers and each and every of them, the terms, conditions, and provisions set out in the schedule hereto shall be binding upon the union and upon every member thereof, and upon the employers and upon each and every of them ; and that the said terms, conditions, and provisions shall be deemed to be and they are hereby incorporated in and declared to form part of this award; and, further, that the union and every member thereof, and the employers and each and every of them, shall respectively do, observe, and perform every matter and thing by the said terms, conditions, and provisions on the part of the union and the members thereof and on the part of the employers respectively, required to be done, observed, and performed, and shall not do anything in contravention of the said terms, conditions, and provisions, but shall in all respects abide by and observe and perform the same. And the Court doth hereby further award, order, and declare that any breach of the said terms, conditions, and provisions set out in the schedule hereto shall constitute a breach of this award, and that the sum of £100 shall be the maximum penalty payable by any party or persons in respect of any such breach : Provided, however (as provided by the 3rd section of "The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act Amendment Act, 1898 "), that the aggregate amount of penalties payable under or in respect of this award shall not exceed £500. And this Court doth further order that this award shall take effect from the Ist day of March, 1899, and shall continue in force until the 28th day of February, 1901. And this Court doth further order that a duplioate of this award shall be filed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Canterbury District, at Christchurch. In witness whereof the seal of the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand hath been hereunto affixed, and the President of the said Court bath hereunto set his hand, this 24th day of February, 1899. W. B. Edwards, J., President. THE SCHEDULE BEFORE REFEBEED TO. Hours of Employment. 1. The reoognised hours of work shall be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on five days of the week, and from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays; one hour to be allowed each day for dinner (Saturdays excepted), from the Ist September to the 30th April (both inclusive). 2. And from the Ist May to the 31st August one half-hour for dinner; and to leave off work at 4.30 p.m.; Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Bate of Wages. 3. All men of the age of twenty-one years and upwards (except those hereinafter mentioned), working at any branch of the trade for any employer, shall be paid not less than Is. ljd. per hour. 4. Men who are over the age of fifty-five years may work for a lesser sum than the union rate, but such lesser .sum shall not be less than 7s. per day. 5. Subject to condition 8, an}' workman who is not considered capable of earning 9s. per day shall be paid such lesser sum (if any) as shall from time to time be agreed upon in writing between such workmen and the chairman and secretary of the union ; and, in default of such agreement, as shall from time to time be fixed in writing by the Chairman of the Conciliation Board for the industrial district upon the application of such workman, after twenty|four hours' notice to the secretary of the union, who shall (if desired by him) be heard by such Chairman upon such application,