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1. The table marked " A " hereunto annexed, and signed by the President of the Court and sealed with the seal of the Court, is hereby incorporated in and deolared to form part of this award. 2. The said Table "A" shall regulate the classification of and the rates and mode of payment for all work therein specified performed by piecework by or for all or any person or persons bound by this award, and all other the matters and things in the said table set forth and appearing. 3. All bespoke work shall be done in the shop of the employer for whom the same is performed, and shall be paid for according to the said Table " A." The expression " bespoke work " in this award shall include all goods made and sold as tailor-made, also any order in which there is a garment fitted on, whether such order is by chartmeasure or not. 4. Subject to the provisions of this award, any employer may employ workers at weekly wages to do and perform all or any of the work required to be performed by such employer. 5. The lowest rate of wages paid to workers, including machinists employed at weekly wages, shall be the sum of £1 ss. for each and every week. 6. The number of apprentices shall be limited to one to every three operatives or fraction of the first three operatives. The proportion of apprentices shall be gauged by full employment of operatives for two-thirds of the full time for the preceding six calendar months. Existing arrangements with apprentices shall not be interfered with, but no employer shall increase the number of apprentices employed by him until the number already employed is reduced below the number mentioned herein. 7. Every apprentice shall serve for the full period of four years, but indenture shall not be required. 8. The rates of payment to apprentices shall be as follows, namely: For the first six calendar months of the apprenticeship the sum of 2s. 6d. for each and every week, to be increased by the further sum of 2s. 6d. per week at the end of such period of six calendar months, and at the end of every succeeding period of six calendar months until the term of apprenticeship expires. 9. At the expiration of the term of apprenticeship the apprentice shall become an oporative, and shall be paid the full minimum wage. 10. The hours worked by each worker shall be forty-five in each week, and such hours shall be worked during the ordinary business hours of the establishment in which they shall be worked. 11. All overtime worked out of the ordinary business hours of the establishment in which it shall be worked shall be paid for, in the case of work performed on weekly wages at the rate of time and a quarter, and in the case of work performed by piecework at piecework prices, with 2d. per hour added thereto; provided that if any worker shall, through her own fault, work during the ordinary business hours less than forty-five hours in any one week she must first make up the hours worked to forty-five at the ordinary rate of wages before she shall be paid overtime rates for the work performed in that week. For the purposes of this olause each week shall stand alone. 12. No one machinist shall machine for more than thirteen workers, but apprentices shall not be included in such number of workers until after such apprentices shall have served for twelve calendar months of their apprenticeship. 13. Every employer shall employ members of the union in preference to non-members, provided there are members of the union who are equally qualified with non-members to perform the particular work required to be done, and who are ready and willing to undertake it. When non-members are employed there shall be no distinction between members and non-members, and both shall work together in harmony and under the same conditions, and both shall receive equal pay for equal work. 14. The union shall at all times keep in some convenient place within one mile from the Chief Post-office in Dunedin a book, to be called the " employment-book," wherein shall be entered the names and exact addresses of all members of the union for the time being out of employ, with a description of the branch of the trade in which such member shall claim to be proficient, and the names, addresses, and occupations of every employer by whom each such member shall have been employed during the preceding two years. Immediately upon any such member obtaining employment a note thereof shall be entered in such book, and any change of address of any such member shall also forthwith be entered in such book. The executive of the union shall use their best endeavours to verify all the entries contained in such book, and shall be answerable as for a breach of this award in ease any entry therein shall be wilfully false to their knowledge, or in case they shall not have used reasonable endeavours to verify the same. Such book shall be open to every employer without fee or charge at all hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on every working-day. If the union fail to keep the employment-book in the manner provided by this condition, then and in such case, and so long as such failure shall continue, any employer may, if he so thinks fit, employ any person or persons, whether a member or members of the union or not, to perform the work required by him to be performed, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions. Notice by advertisement in the Otago Daily Times and in the Evening Star newspapers, published at Dunedin, shall be given by the union of the place where such employment-book shall be kept, and of any change of such place. 15. Any breach of any of the stipulations or conditions herein set forth, or of all or any of the matters or things provided for or mentioned in the said Table "A," hereto annexed, shall constitute a breach of this award, and the maximum penalty payable by any party or person in respect of any such breach shall be the sum of £100 : Provided, however (as provided by the 3rd section of " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1898 "), that the aggregate amount of penalties payable under or in respeot of this award shall not exceed £500. 16. This award shall take effect as from the 6th day of March, 1899, and shall continue in force and the provisions thereof may be enforced up to and until the first day of December, 1900. 17. And this Court doth further order and award that this award shall be binding upon the union and the members (i thereof, and upon the employers hereinbefore mentioned and each and every of them ; and that the union and every member thereof, and the employers and each and every of them, shall do, observe, and perform every matter and thing by the terms, conditions, and provisions of this award on the part of the union and the members thereof and on the part of the employers and each and every of them respectively required to be done, observed, and performed, and shall not do anything in contravention of the said terms, conditions, and provisions, but shall in all respects abide by the same up to and until the said Ist day of December in the year 1900. 18. And this Court doth further order that a duplicate of this award shall be filed in the office of tbe Supreme Court of New Zealand, Otago and Southland District, Dunedin. In witness whereof the seal of the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand hath been hereunto affixed, and the President of the said Court hath hereunto set his hand, this 3rd day of March, 1899. W. B. Edwabds, J., President. [The schedule, " Table A," referred to is not published.] Chbistchuboh Bootmakers. In the Court of Arbitration of New Zealand, Canterbury Industrial District. —In the matter of " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894," and the amendments thereof; and in the matter of an industrial dispute between the New Zealand Federated Boot Trade Industrial Association of Workmen (hereinafter called " the workmen's association ") and Nathaniel Suckling and John Suckling, of the City of Christchurch, boot-manu. facturers ; and Ephraim Toomer, of the same place, boot-manufacturer; and C. J. Clayton, of the same place, boot-manufacturer (hereinafter called " the employers "). The Court of Arbitration of New Zealand (hereinafter called " the Court"), having taken into consideration the matter of the above-mentioned dispute, and having heard the workmen's association by its representatives duly appointed, and having also heard each of the employers in person, and none of the said parties desiring to call witnesses, doth hereby order and award that, as between the workmen's association and the members thereof, and the employers and eaoh and every of them, the terms, conditions, and provisions set out in the schedule hereto annexed shall be binding upon the workmen's association and upon every member thereof, and upon the employers and upon each and every of them; and that the said terms, conditions, and provisions shall be deemed to be and they are