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Chbistchubch Tailobing Tbade. Canterbury Board of Conciliation, Sic, — Christchurch, sth December, 1898. In the matter of an industrial dispute between the Christchurch Tailoring Trade Industrial Union of Workmen and Messrs. A. Begg and Sydney Smith : * The Board's recommendation in the above case is as follows :— That an industrial agreement be entered into on or before the 12fch December, 1898, on the same terms and conditions as the agreement dated the Ist November, 1898, between the Master Tailors' Union and the Christehuroh Tailoring Trade Industrial Union of Workers. I have, &c, The Clerk of Awards, Christchurch. A. H. Tuenbull, Chairman. Ghristchubch Tinsmith and Sheet-icon Wobkees. Canterbury Board of Conciliation, Sib, — Christchurch, sth December, 1898. In the matter of an industrial dispute between the Christchurch Tinsmith and Sheet-iron Workers' Union and Messrs. Taylor and Oakley and twenty-one others: The Board reports that it has made inquiry into the above dispute, taken evidence tendered by the parties interested, and also inspected certain factories, and investigated the condition of the trade, the class of labour employed, and the conditions under which the work is carried on. The result of the Board's inquiry shows that the trade is at present in a very disorganized condition, and that while certain factories pay fair wages others do not; that an undue proportion of boy-labour is employed, and under conditions which prevent the boys from thoroughly learning the trade or becoming adept at it; that certain factories employ boy-labour only under the foregoing conditions, and compete with factories employing adult labour, to the manifest disadvantage of suoh. The Board's recommendation is as follows :— 1. That forty-eight hours shall constitute a week's work, made up as follows: First five days, not more than eight hours and three-quarters' work, and work to cease at 12 noon on Saturdays. Where canning-factories are concerned, the division of hours may be a matter of mutual arrangement between employers and employed. 2. Only two classes of labour shall be recognised—viz., journeymen and apprentices. 3. That the minimum rate of wages of journeymen shall be 9s. per day of eight hours for first-class men. Where men have served five years at the trade, and are not considered capable of earning the minimum rate, they may work for such less rate as may be agreed upon by a joint committee composed of two employers and two union representatives, or as provided by the Act. 4. Apprentices. —A proper system of indenturing apprentices, or an agreed basis of apprenticeship, to be entered into on conditions set forth below; but this rule shall not affect any persons now employed in the trade, provided that the scale of wages proposed for apprentices shall be the minimum scale for any persons employed at present. Apprentices to be required to serve an apprenticeship of five years, and shall receive in wages ss. per week for the first year, and an increase of ss. per week at the commencement of each subsequent year up to the fifth, when the increase shall be 10s. per week. The proportion of apprentices to be one to every three men, or fraction of the first three men. For the purpose of determining the proportion of apprentices to journeymen the given number of men must have been employed in any shop or factory for the previous six months equal to two-thirds full time. 5. Where canister-making machines are used at least one journeyman shall be employed as foreman. 6. Preference. —Members of the union shall have the preference of employment over non-unionists. 7. Overtime. —Overtime to be paid for as follows : From 5 p.m. till 9 p.m., time and a quarter; from 9 p.m. till 12 p.m., time and a half; and from 12 p.m. till starting-time next morning, double time. Overtime on Saturdays to commence at 12 noon, at time-and-a-half rates. Bach day to stand by itself. Work done on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Anniversay Day, and Sundays to count as double time. On all other recognised general holidays—viz., New Year's Day, Easter Monday, and birthdays of the reigning Sovereign and the Heir Apparent, Labour Day, and Boxing Day—work to be paid for at the rate of time and a half. 8. Outside Work. —Time and travelling-allowance to be paid going to and returning from an outside job, and if away overnight all expenses to be paid. 9. Piecework not to be permitted. An industrial agreement covering the above conditions to be entered into between the parties interested on or before the 15th December, 1898, and to remain in force until the 30th November, 1901. The Clerk of Awards, Christchurch. A. H. Tubnbull, Chairman. Canterbury Board of Conciliation, Sib,— " Christchurch, 20th December, 1898. In re Christchurch tinsmiths and sheet-metal workers and Messrs. Taylor and Oakley and others: I have to intimate to you that in the above matter the Board has been unable to bring about any settlement of the dispute. I have, &c, The Clerk of Awards, Christchurch. A. H. Tubnbull, Chairman. Cheistchurch Fubnituee Teade. Canterbury Board of Conciliation, Sic,— Christchurch, 13th December, 1898. In the matter of an industrial dispute between the Christchurch United Furniture Trades Industrial Union of Workers and Messrs. H. Fuhrmann and others: The Board's recommendation in the above case is,— That clauses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the union, as per sheet marked " A " and attached hereto, be agreed to. Clause 2 to be amended to read, "Upholsterers, cabinetmakers, turners, frame-makers, and polishers, Bs. 6d. per day; mattrass-makers, 7s. 6d. per day." Clause 8 to be deleted, and new clause 8 to read, " No piecework shall be permitted." An additional clause as follows to be added : " Men who are considered unable to earn the minimum wage shall be paid suoh lesser sum as shall be fixed by a committee consisting of three persons nominated by the employers and three persons nominated by the union, and, if they cannot agree, by the Chairman for the time being of the Board of Conciliation." The foregoing recommendation to come into force on the Ist January, 1899, and to remain in force until the 30th November, 1901, and an industrial agreement embodying the foregoing conditions to be entered into by the parties interested on or before the 20th December, 1898. I have, &c, The Clerk of Awards, Christohurch. A. H. Tubnbull, Chairman. A. Industeial Agbeement made .in pursuance of "The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894," between the Christchurch Furniture Trades Union and the Employers. 1. That forty-four hours shall constitute a week's work ; half-holiday to be on Saturday. 2. Minimum wage: Cabinetmakers, upholsterers, turners, frame-makers, and polishers, 10s.; mattrassmakers, Bs. 6d. 3. Overtime as follows: Time and a quarter to midnight; double time after that, and on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas Day.