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nor shall it apply to brassfounders who do not compete with iron-moulders who make heavy brass mouldings, suoh as bearings. No apprentice shall serve for a shorter period than six years. An apprentice having served six years in the trade shall be considered a journeyman. The scale of wages for apprentices shall be as follows : ss. per week for the first year, 7s. 6d. per week for the second year, 12s. per week for the third year, 17s. per week for the fourth year, £1 Is. per week for the fifth year, £1 6s. per week for the sixth year. 5. Members of the union shall be employed in preference to non-members, provided there are members of the union who are equally qualified with non-members to perform the particular work required to be done, and are ready and willing to undertake it. 6. Where members of the union and non-members ate employed together there shall be no distinction made between members and non-members. Both shall work together in harmony, and both shall work under the same conditioDs and receive equal pay for equal work. The foregoing resolutions shall be embodied in the industrial agreement, which shall remain in force for one year from this date. If the agreement be not executed within seven days from this date either of the parties to the dispute may appeal. Dated this 24th day of January, 1899. W. H. Quick, Chairman. Before the Board of Conciliation, in the Wellington District.—ln the matter of an industrial dispute between the Iron- and Brass-moulders' Union, of Wellington, and W. Cable and Co., of Waterloo Quay ; D. Robertson and Co., of Old Customhouse Street; Edward Seager, of Victoria Street; S. Luke and Co. (Limited), Manners Street; Smith Brothers, Manners Street; W. Crabtree and Sons, Eva Street; H. Gaby and Sons, Crawford Street; and the following brasafounders, who were added to the dispute : William Earnshaw, Johnston Street; Campbell and Dutch, Victoria Street; S. Danks and Co., Brandon Street; Jenkins and Mack, Lambton Quay; Henry Babington, Normanby Terrace ; Andrews and Manthel, Tory Street; Ballinger Brothers, Waring Taylor Street; and J. Glover, Church Street. The Board of Conciliation, having made and published their recommendations in writing in the above matter, a copy whereof is annexed hereto, and having on this date received notioe in writing from nine individuals and firms of employers summoned as parties to this dispute that they decline to accept the said recommendations, the Board now reports that they have been unable to bring about any settlement of the dispute referred to them satisfactory to the parties thereto. Dated this Ist day of February, 1899. W. H. Quick, Chairman. Wellington Paintees and Decobatobs. In the Wellington Industrial District. —In the matter of " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894," and of the Acts amending the same, and of an industrial dispute between the Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters and Deoorators' Union and the master painters, including the Master Painters' Union. The Board have taken into consideration the claims filed in the above matter, and make the following recommendations :— 1. Hours of Employment. —The recognised hours of work shall be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on five days of the week, and from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays. One hour to be allowed for dinner each day (Saturdays excepted) from Ist September to 30th April, both inclusive; and from Ist May to 31st August one half-hour for dinner, and to leave off work at 4.30 p.m.; Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. [By consent.] 2. Wages. —That the minimum wage for journeymen painters be at the rate of Is. 3d. per hour for competent workmen. That an incompetent workman may accept a minimum rate of Is. per hour. Should any dispute arise as to the competency of a workman it shall be settled by one man to be appointed by the Master Painters' Union and one man by the Amalgamated Society of Painters and Decorators' Union, and one to be chosen by each to act as umpire, all three of whom shall sit together. If this matter fail the matter must be submitted to the Board, whose award shall be final. 3. Boys, Sc. — That all boys working at the painting trade be legally indentured as apprentices, and shall not exceed one to every four journeymen, or fraction of four. For the purpose of determining the proportion of apprentices to journeymen the calculation shall be based on a two-thirds full-time employment for six months previous for the average of the journeymen employed. Every apprentice shall be allowed three vionths' probation previous to being indentured! The indentures to be for five years. Wages to be —for the first year, 6s. 6d. per week ; second year, 10s.; third year, 155.; fourth year, £1; and fifth year, £1 ss. No legal agreement in existence at the time of the agreement being executed in pursuance of these recommendations shall be interfered with. All apprentices now serving under verbal agreement shall be allowed to complete their term, subject to a proper agreement being entered into. Should any employer from unforeseen circumstances be unable to carry out his obligation to his apprentice, it shall be allowable for the apprentice to complete his termrvith another employer. [So much as is in italic is agreed to by the parties.] 4. Country and Suburban Work. —" Suburban work "to mean over the two-mile radius from the shop ; and up to ten miles fares to be paid by the employers both ways and time one way. " Country work "to mean over ten miles from shop, fares to be paid out and in once only, but Is. per working-day all the time away from home shall be allowed for all such country work towards extra expenses incurred. [Agreed to.] 5. Overtime Bates. —The following rates of overtime shall be charged : Time and a quarter after 6 p.m. up to 8 p.m., and time and a half from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.; time and a half from 1 p.m. on Saturdays up to 12 p.m.; double time after 12 p.m. and up to 8 a.m. On Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Labour Day double time shall be charged. [Agreed to.] 6. Employers not to interfere as to collecting Dues. —Employers shall not place any obstacle in the way of the representatives of the Union collecting, or endeavouring to collect, moneys due to the union from its members, provided the same be done out of working-hours. [Agreed to.] 7. Non-prejudice to Union Men. —That none of the employers in employing labour shall discriminate against members of the union, or shall in the engagement or dismissal of their hands, or in the conduct of their business, do anything directly or indirectly for the purpose of injuring the union. [Agreed to.] 8. Pay-day, dc. —That Friday be pay-day, but if paid on the job away from the shop Saturday may be made pay-day. That wages be paid weeldy. [Agreed to.] 9. Penalties. —ln respect of any employer, the penalties shall be—for the first offence, £10; for the second offence, £20 ; and for any subsequent offence, £50 : and for any member of the union—for the first offence, £2 10s. ; for the second offence, £5 ; and for any subsequent offence, £10 and expulsion from their union ; and he shall not be admitted again under any pretence except he pays the fine in full and an apology to his union and the Masters' Association. [Agreed to.] 10. That an industrial agreement be executed by the parties to this dispute embodying the foregoing clauses, to last two years from the date hereof; and, if not executed within seven days from this date, either of the parties may appeal to the Court of Arbitration. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1898. W. H. Quick, Chairman. In the Wellington Industrial District. —In the matter of " The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894," and of the Acts amending the same, and of an industrial dispute between the Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters and Decorators' Union and the master painters, including the Master Painters' Union. The Board of Conciliation, having sat and heard both parties to the above dispute, did, on the 22nd day of December, 1898, present to the parties a certain report or recommendation, a copy of which is lodged herewith with the Clerk of Awards ; and, the Wellington Amalgamated Society of Painters and Decorators' Union having notified to the Chairman of the Board that they have deoided not to accept the said recommendations, the Board now report that they have failed to bring about any settlement of the dispute referred to them satisfactory to the parties thereto. Dated this sth day of January, 1899. W. H. Quick, Chairman.