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No. 21. (No. 72.) Sic, — Government House, Wellington, 3rd November, 1898. With reference to your despatch (New Zealand —No. 4) dated the 15th January, 1898, relative to the title " Royal " being granted to a humane society to be founded in this colony, I have the honour to forward you a copy of the rules and regulations of the proposed Humane Society of New Zealand. I have further the honour to forward a petition from the officers of the newly-formed society, praying that the society may be permitted to assume the title "Royal," and that Her Majesty may be graciously pleased to consent to become the patron. I have, &c, The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, RANFURLY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. To Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. The humble petition of the undersigned, officers and members of the Humane Society of New Zealand, showeth : 1. That your Majesty's petitioners are officers and members of a society recently formed in and for New Zealand, called " The Humane Society of New Zealand." 2. That the aims and objects of the society are identical with those of the Royal Humane Society of England, and the Royal Humane Society of Australasia, and may be briefly stated as follows :— (a.) To bestow rewards upon all who risk their own lives to save those of their fellowcreatures. (b.) To provide assistance, as far as it is in the power of the society, in all cases of apparent death occurring in any part of New Zealand. (c.) To restore the apparently drowned or dead, and to distinguish by rewards all who through skill and perseverance are, under Providence, successful. (d.) To collect and circulate information regarding the most approved methods and the best appliances to be used for such purposes. (c.) And for all humane acts and deeds of a like nature. 3. Hitherto New Zealand has been within the jurisdiction of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia, whose head office is in Melbourne, and, although New-Zealanders have every reason to be satisfied with the good work which has been so well and ably carried on by that society for close on a quarter of a century past, still it was thought by many gentlemen here that, owing to the great distance of Melbourne from New Zealand, it would be more desirable and advantageous to have all matters connected with the society arising in New Zealand more immediately under local control. 4. That your Majesty's petitioners are very anxious to be permitted to assume the name and title of " The Royal Humane Society of New Zealand," and that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to consent to become a patron of the society. Your Majesty's petitioners therefore humbly pray that your Majesty wfll be graciously pleased to give permission to your petitioners to assume the name and title of " The Royal Humane society of New Zealand," and that your Majesty will also be graciously pleased to consent to become a patron of the society. And your petitioners will ever pray, &c. John Joyce, President. Aaeon Ayeus. R. C. Bishop. Edwaed Smith. H. B. Kick. Jas. A. Feostick. Richabd Linn, Secretary. Christchurch, New Zealand, 20th October, 1898.

No. 22. (No. 73.) Sic, — Government House, Wellington, 7th November, 1898. I have the honour to inform you that on the sth instant I prorogued the third session of the thirteenth Parliament of New Zealand. The Bills which have been passed, when duly sealed, will be forwarded for Her Majesty's approval. I have, &c, The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, RANFURLY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.