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No. 23. (No. 74.) Sic, — Government House, Wellington, 12th November, 1898. With reference to your despatch (New Zealand —General), dated the 16th September, 1898, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Board of Trade, asking to be supplied with certain information as to the operation in the colonies of laws relating to compulsory working of patented inventions, I have the honour to transmit to you the answers required. (a.) The specific provisions of the law as to the compulsory working of patented inventions are contained in section 33 of the Act of 1889, which empowers the Governor to order the patentee to grant licenses. (b.) No regulations have been made to carry out these provisions, (c.) and (d.) No case of the kind has occurred in this colony. I have further the honour to forward you two copies of the laws and regulations at present in force dealing with the subject. I have, &c, The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, RANFURLY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 24. (No. 75.) Sic, — Government House, Wellington, 12th December, 1898. I have the honour to forward you authenticated copies of the Acts passed by the General Assembly during the session which closed on the sth November, 1898, for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure. A synopsis of these Acts, prepared by the Solicitor-General, is also forwarded herewith. I have the honour to inform you that I have reserved my assent to the Divorce Bill, according to lustructions under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, paragraph vi., section 1. On this Bill I have pleasure in forwarding you a special report by the Solicitor-General. I have, &c, The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, RANFURLY. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Heeewith I beg to submit the usual synopsis of Acts passed by the General Assembly during the recent session of Parliament; also special report on the Divorce Bill, which has been reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. W. S. Reid. Crown Law Office, 17th November, 1898.

Synopsis of Acts passed by the Genebal Assembly of New Zealand during the Session ending sth November, 1898. Public General Acts. No. 1. The Imprest Supply Act.—Granting £461,000 and £9,000 on imprest towards the service of the year. No. 2. The Imprest Supply Act (No. 2). —Granting £386,000, £9,000, and £125,000 on imprest towards the service of the year. No. 3. The Imprest Supply Act (No. 3).— Granting £336,000, £9,000, and £50,000 on imprest towards the service of the year. No. 4. The Unclaimed Moneys Act.—Requiring every company as defined by the Act to keep a register in a prescribed form of all unclaimed moneys, meaning thereby all moneys unclaimed for six years and upwards, and to pay them into the Public Account, to the credit of the Colonial Treasurer, with provision for repayment by him to the owner on demand. No. 5. The First Offenders' Probation Act Amendment Act.—Requiring the Probation Officer to state the grounds on which he refuses to recommend a prisoner to probation ; also empowering the Court to state the grounds to the prisoner, and to take evidence as to their truth. No. 6. The Government Advances to Settlers Act Amendment Act.—Extending until the 31st October, 1901, the time within which the moneys authorised to be raised under the Act of 1894 may be raised. No. 7. The Imprest Supply Act (No. 4).— Granting £336,000, £31,500, and £50,000 on imprest towards the service of the year. No. 8. The Inebriates Institutions Act.—Providing for the establishment and management of institutions for the care of inebriates, the mode of admission or committal thereto, and the treatment of inebriates therein.