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The Department of Mines. Audit Office, 29th June, 1898. Befoee there is appropriation for payments after the 30th June it would not only be unlawful to issue the money required for such payments, but also unlawful for any imprestee to make them. The amouut of the [imprest] requisition should therefore be reduced by so much as is not required for the payments to be made before the close of June, and to be charged to the extended appropriation for Mines, Miscellaneous. J. K. Wabburton, Controller and Auditor-General.

The Controller. I do not see how I can reduce the [imprest] requisition so as to state the exact sum that will be required to meet vouchers for payment before the 30th instant. At the present moment there are vouchers in the Treasury amounting to nearly the amount stated in the [imprest] requisition, and vouchers are being sent forward daily. 29th June, 1898. H. J. H. Eliott.

The Under-Secretary for Mines. I cannot but think that there is some misconception. Would you obtain from the Treasury, and let me see, the vouchers there now for payments to be made before the 30th June and charged to the extended appropriation for Mines, Miscellaneous ? J. K. Waebueton, 29th June, 1898. Controller and Auditor-General.

The Accountant to the Treasury. Can you let the Controller and Auditor-General have the vouchers which are now in the Treasury ? 29th June, 1898. H. J. H. Eliott.

Vouchees attached. —E. J. Collins, 29th June, 1898.

The Controller. Five vouchers herewith, all of which are chargeable to the Public Works Fund. 29th June, 1898. . H. J. H. Eliott.

The Under-Secretary for Mines. Audit Office, 30th June, 1898. If this imprest requisition for £1,000 charged against the extended appropriation for Mines, Miscellaneous, is made for the purpose of paying claims on the Public Works Fund—the claims represented by the five vouchers which are submitted—the requisition does not comply with the requirements of section 50 of the Public Eevenues Act. The moneys required to be issued by way of imprest are not charged in the [imprest] requisition against the vote for the service for which the imprest is required. An explanation is requested. An imprest requisition for the issue of money to be used for payments out of the Consolidated Fund is not made in accordance with law when the intention is that the money shall not be applied exclusively to payments chargeable to the vote to which the [imprest] requisition is charged. But it would be a very much more serious irregularity to make, for the purpose of obtaining money for payments chargeable on the Public Works Fund, a requisition which should be charged on the Consolidated Fund, and thus purport to be for payments out of the Consolidated Fund. J. K. Wabbukton, Controller and Auditor-General.

No. 10. The Audit Office. Obdeb in Council under " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891," transmitted herewith. E. J. Collins, 30th June, 1898. For Secretary to the Treasury.

No. 11. The Executive Council. His Excellency the Administrator of the Government is recommended to sign the attached Order in Council under " The Public Eevenues Act, 1891," declaring that the issue requisitions specified in the Schedule thereto, and the charges in such requisitions, are according to law. • W. C. Walker, For Colonial Treasurer.

t Appeovbd in Council. —E., 30th June, 1898.

Signed.—J. F. Andeews, Acting Clerk of the Council.