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No. 12. Ranfuely, Governor. Oedee in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, the 30th day of June, 1898. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. Wheeeas the Audit Office has declined to pass the issue requisitions specified in the Schedule hereto, on the ground that the charges therein are not according to law: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers in this behalf conferred upon him by " The Public Revenues Act, 1891," His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, acting by and with the consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, and having before him the opinion of the Solicitor-General (the office of the Attorney-General being vacant), doth hereby determine the matter in dispute by declaring that the said issue requisitions and the charges therein are according to law.

Schedule. 28th June ... ... ... ... ... Issue for £82,444 12s. 3d. 29th June ... ... ... ... ... „ £5,584 6s. 3d. 29th June ... ... ... ... ... „ £8,500 os. od. J. P. Andeews, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 13. The Treasury. Audit Office, 30th June, 1898. The Audit Office, having received the Order made by the Governor in Council to-day declaring to be according to law the three following requisitions — 28th June, issue for £82,444 12s. 3d. ; 29th June, issue for £5,584 6s. 3d.; 29th June, issue for £8,500 —has passed the requisitions under the authority of such Order, and will now, with as little delay as possible, have copies prepared of all the correspondence relating to the dispute, and lay the correspondence before Parliament, in compliance with the provisions of section 53 of the Public Revenues Act. J. K. Waebubton, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,460 copies), £3 6e.

Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9B.

Price 6d.~]

2—B. 21.