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3. Translate also— Come here : I want to speak to you. Where are you ? I cannot see you. I have been here for at least an hour. What are you doing ? —I am reading. Who is with you ?—Nobody. Why did you come here? —To see you. At what o'clock will you be at home ? 4. Write down, in four columns, the third person singular of the present indicative, and of the present, imperfect, and preterite subjunctive, of the verbs agir, boire, craindre, devoir, faillir, falloir, gemir, hair, meurtrir, prendre. 5. Give the rules for the formation of the plural of (a) proper nouns, (6) nouns of foreign origin, (c) compound nouns. Illustrate by examples. 6. Give the French for— They will be pardoned. Miss, they have admired you. Gentlemen, why have you blamed my sons ? They would have been praised (lover). We have saved her. The pear {poire) which you said (that) you would give me is ripe. Ladies, what have you done this morning ? 7. Distinguish the meanings of the similar words in the following pairs of expressions : Elle a froid, and il fait froid; une medaille benite, and une famille benie ; une rose fleurissante, and une industrie florissante; un mur haut, and un fruit mtir; ces dames sont tout etonnees, and ces dames sont toutes etonqees. Comment on the grammatical peculiarities illustrated above. 8. Name tense, niood, and infinitive of ils contraignirent, il disparut, dites, dors-tv ? il entrouvrit, elle exagererait, il s'en serait alle, il reconnut, il hait, tv t'abstiendras. 9. Give the feminine form of complet, dit, exigu, favori, frais, gentil, majeur, chasseur. 10. What does each of the following become before a vowel: beau, cc, la, ma, que, si ?

German. — For Class D, and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Given the imperf. md., blies, fuhr, floh, genas, hieb, litt, rieth, soff, sott, and schuf; supply the meaning, the pres. inf., the Ist pers. sing, of the pres. md., and the past part.of each. 2. Illustrate by examples the various ways in which nouns form their plural in German. 3. Give in full the three forms of declension of adjectives, taking klein as an example. 4. What prepositions may govern either the dative or the accusative ? 5. Translate the following interjections :Oh dear ! Well! Alas ! Fie ! Begone ! 6. As an illustration of the suffixes of adjectives, translate—womanly, fruitful, painful, suspicious, timid, wooden, woollen, earthy, verbal. 7. Give two sentences, using, as conjunction of time, in the one wenn, and in the other als. 8. Translate —In these days ; twice a week ; at Xmas time ; nowadays ; three days ago. 9. Write out in full the pres. md. of übersetzen —first, as an inseparable verb; second, as a separable verb. 10. Translate (using impersonal verbs) —I am glad; lam cold; lam vexed; I succeed; I wonder. Translate into German, — 1. When will the Governor arrive here? 2. He is to come next Saturday morning. 3. Will he remain long in this province ? 4. I hear that he is to return to W. at the end of next week. 5. I hope that he will have fine weather during his stay in this place. 6. At present it is raining very hard, but probably the weather will soon clear up. 7. Bain is very much wanted for the country. 8. Yes, if the dry weather had continued much longer we should scarcely have had any harvest. 9. The other day we had thunder, lightning, and hail. 10. Hail is very destructive to fruit. 11. The plums and the peaches have suffered a good deal from the frost. 12. We shall have plenty of apricots, apples, and pears this year. 13. What beautiful flowers you have in your garden ! 14. Yes; I am a great lover of flowers, and I have some of all sorts—violets, pinks, tulips, roses, and many more. 15. You should see my vegetable-garden: it is full of the most beautiful peas, beans, cabbages, potatoes, &c. 16. You must be very busy with your garden, your horses, your cows, your sheep, &c. 17. Oh, certainly; but a country life is the one I like best. Translate into English, — Herr Tobias Witt war aus einer nur massigen Stadt gebiirtig, und nic weit fiber die nachsten Dorfer gekommen. Dennoch hatte er mehr yon der Welt gesehen, als Mancher, der sein Erbtheil in Paris oder Neapel verzehrt hat. Er erzahlte gem allerhand kleine Geschichtchen, die er sich hie und da aus eigner Erfahrung gesammelt hatte. Poetisches Verdienst hatten sic wenig, aber desto mehr praktisches, und das Besonderste an ihnen war, dass ihrer je zwei und zwei zusammenge-