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Tairua Biver District. Broken Hill Mine (Area, 340 acres). —A considerable amount of work has been carried out in this mine for the purpose of developing it in a systematic way for future working. The strike of the gold-bearing lode, which is north and south, has been driven on at the level where the original rich find was made a distance of about 500 ft., and large bodies of payable ore have been seen. The country and the nature of the lode at this level is very broken, and in no case have well-defined walls been found ; but this does not in any way interfere with the value of the lode, as quantities of payable ore can be obtained. At a distance of 300 ft. further south from the original rich find, and immediately under the top of the highest hill, very good ore has been met with. Another level, known as the Cutting level, has been started 40 ft. lower down than these workings, and driven a distance of 200 ft. The lode in this level has a very much better appearance, and appears to continue down between well-defined walls, which are expected to continue to the intermediate and low level. The intermediate level driven from the eastern side of the hill is now in 300 ft., and the low level driven from the western side is now in about 400 ft. Those works will prove the character of the reef at this place. The low level is 700 ft. below the top of the hill already mentioned, and will, when in and connected with the other levels, open up the whole of the mine on an extensive scale. A tramway has been erected (self-acting ground) from the upper level to the battery-site, a distance of a quarter of a mile, and excavations have been commenced for the foundations of the battery, which has been ordered from London. The company intends starting with a twenty-head wet-crushing mill, but is carrying on all the work, such as water-races, &c, for a much larger mill. The principal road made by the company is from the mine to the Tairua Eiver landing, and a tramway has been surveyed and levelled, which may eventually be built. All necessary buildings connected with a mine of this kind have been erected, such as assay-room, office, men's quarters, blacksmith's shop, &c. Thirty men were employed. A considerable amount of prospecting was carried on by Mr. Jonathan Seaver in the Broken Hills Extended and the Tairua Special Claims, with a view of obtaining English capital to work the ground. Tairua Proprietary (Area, 116 acres 2 roods).' —The land is situated in the vicinity of the Broken Hills. A considerable amount of prospecting has been done. Fourteen surface drives were put in, and a low level driven 270 ft., in order to cut the reef, which is 2 ft. in width. Six men were employed. Albert Mine (Area, 153 acres). —Upwards of 500 ft. of a level was driven and two reefs cut, the quartz being of a promising character. Eight men were employed. Prospecting has also been carried on in the New Tairua, Tairua Consols, Marguerite, Emerald Mount, Golden Bay, Tairua Big Eeef, and other claims. Ohui District. Harp of Tara (Area, 30 acres). —A considerable amount of prospecting was done, and four reefs cut, varying from 6 in. to 7 ft. in thickness. A prospect of loose gold can be got in three of the reefs, but not in payable quantities. A tunnel is being put in to cut a large body of quartz which outcrops on top of the hill, and from which prospects of gold have been obtained by washing in the dish. Four men were employed. Nil Desperandum Mine (Area, 86 acres).- —There has not been a great deal of work done during the year, and no quartz was crushed. Three men were employed. Prospecting has been carried on in the Maori Dream, Golden Hill, Sea View, and other claims. In the Ohui properties, held by Seaver Brothers, in all some 5,000 ft. of driving has been carried out, and now work has been concentrated upon the properties known as the Maorilander and the Last Chance, as it is thought that these properties will be the means of opening up the field. It is intended to erect a small battery on the Maorilander, and also drive a large low level into the Last Chance, which will thoroughly prospect this property under what is known as the Big Blow. Whangamata District. Flemington Mine (Area, 88 acres 1 rood 29 perches).—Two drives were put in, one 60 ft. and the other 100 ft. A large body of quartz 60 ft. in thickness was discovered, and two smaller reefs, but no payable quartz has yet been found. Four men were employed. In the following mines considerable prospecting was done, and reefs, in some instances containing a little gold, discovered: lolanthe, Herald, Marco Polo, Electric, Moa, My Sweetheart, Sybil, lolanthe Extended, Inca No. 1, Golden Castle, and Peruvian. Ptolemy Mine (Area, 219 acres). —This property is being prospected by Eiley and Company, of London, who hold it under option. A large amount of prospecting work has been done—ten drives, varying from 30 ft. to 150 ft.—with a view to cut the Luck at Last reef. Eight men were employed. Tamihana Mine (Area, 71 acres 2,roods 29 perches). —A considerable amount of surface prospecting has been done, and four reefs discovered, varying from 20 in. to 12 ft. in thickness. A cross-cut drive is to be put in to test their value at greater depth. King of Whangamata Mine (Area, 66 acres 3 roods). —About 250 ft. of a cross-cut was put in, and a 7 ft. reef cut and driven on 85 ft. Eight men were employed. Whangamata Proprietary Mine (Area, 294 acres). —This mine comprises the Luck at Last, Luck at Last Extended, and Wharekawa Special Claims, and is now owned by the Whangamata Proprietary, an English company. A large staff of men was employed in carrying on works to' develop the reefs. It is the intention of the company to erect a twenty-stamp battery, to be driven by water-power, which is plentiful and adjacent to the ground. Extensive prospecting works have been carried on in the Phoenix, Golden Mount, Golden Falls, Pukewhau, Three Star, Whangamata, and others. 11— G. 3.