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Mata District. Mata Beefs Mine (Area, 176 acres). —This mine is situated near the junction of the Gentle Annie and Mata Creeks. The northern, or Mata, section includes the Mata and Jay Gould Claims. It is intended to reopen the workings on the hill, where gold was obtained several years ago. In the southern section, known, as the " Nikau Valley," there is a large reef of 20 ft. in width, from which good dish prospects are obtained. Several other reefs and leaders have been discovered, but not yet prospected. There is water-power available for driving machinery, and many facilities for working this property. Kelly's Claim (Area, 38 acres). —The work carried on in this claim has been sluicing the surface, with a view of discovering the reef from which the gold found in the creek was derived, but the efforts in that direction have not yet been successful, and no return of gold has been made. Three men were employed. The Marquis of Salisbury, Mata Prospectors, Canadian, Clematis, and Parnell Claims have been taken up, and more or less prospecting work carried on. Tapu District. Golden Point Mine (Area, 120 acres). —The shaft was sunk to a depth of 210 ft., and a level opened in the cross-cut towards the line of reef. A number of stringers, showing visible gold, were cut, and a rise put up to the old workings. So far the returns have not been very great. A crushing of 4 tons of quartz yielded 1 oz. 4 dwt. gold ; value, £3 per ounce. Thirteen men were employed. Sheridan Mine (Area, 100 acres). —The main adit has been extended to a distance of 800 ft., and 150 ft. will yet have to be driven to cut the main reef at 400 ft. below the surface. A considerable amount of stoping was carried on by a party who held an option on the mine, and 199 tons crushed yielded 197 oz.; value, £591. Eight wages-men were employed. Golden Horn Mine (Area, 21 acres and 20 perches).—This mine is situated to the southward of Tapu Creek, and about a mile from the sea. Prospecting work has been carried on, and a low level driven 370 ft., and four reefs cut from 3 ft. to 8 ft. in thickness, in which a little gold is got by pounding and dish prospecting. A crushing of 14 tons yielded 2 oz. 14 dwt. ; value, £8 2s. Four men were employed. Comet Mine (Area, 45 acres 2 roods 15 perches).—The principal work carried on during the year was in extending the low-level cross-cut. The shoot of gold worked in the early days of mining at Tapu Creek yielded 1,8000z., and this cross-cut is being put in in hopes of cutting the same leader at a greater depth. Four men were employed. A considerable amount of prospecting has been carried on in the following mines : Eoyal Extended, Sylvia Park, Eoyal, Shannon, Golden Band, Square and Compass, and Mahara. It is the intention of the Mahara Company to erect a battery of ten stamps in the vicinity of Eogers's farm. The battery will prove a boon to the claimholders in this part of the district, as affording them a means of testing the value of their reefs. Waiomo District. Monoiocd Mine (Area, 87 acres 3 roods 29 perches).—During the year 50 tons of quartz was crushed, yielding 29 oz. 12 dwt. ; value, £95 14s. 4d. The method of treatment introduced by Mr. A. G. French was after some time dispensed with, and the mine and mill both were at a standstill, no further quantity of quartz being crushed. The property is now owned by the Monowai Gold-mines (Limited), an English company, and the manager, Mr. A. S. Gabbs, is carrying on three drives for the purpose of developing the reefs. Benown Mine (Area, 100 acres). —A drive has been put in for a distance of 190 ft. to cut a large reef which outcrops, showing a width of 20 ft. Four men were employed. Bangatira Mine (Area, 53 acres 3 roods 20 perches). —This mine is situated near the beach. A drive has been put in for a distance of 378 ft., and a reef cut about 8 ft. in thickness. A crushing of 10 tons of quartz yielded 2 oz. 19 dwt.; value, £8 17s. Four men were employed. A considerable amount of work has been done in prospecting the large reefs formerly discovered in the Mount Morgan, Broken Hill, Comstock, and Mount Zeehan. A number of claims have been taken up in an easterly direction —namely, the Polydorus, Emerald, Topaz, Bronte's, Pactolus, and others —but so far there is no record of any valuable discovery. Puru District. Prospecting work has been carried on in the Waipuru, Sunlight, Orion, Ulysses, Wonona, New Boss, and also in the Big Eeef, in which a large body of quartz has been discovered. In the Puru Main Lodes, Eimutaka, Digger's Dream, Pakeha, Waimea, and Morion work has also from time to time been carried on, and this portion of the district proved to contain large reefs of quartz. Puru Consolidated. —This claim comprises the Eussell, 93 acres 2 roods; Uranus, 100 acres; Eussell Extended, 100 acres ; and Salisbury, 98 acres 2 roods. A considerable amount of work has been carried on in the development of the Eimu reef. A drive has been put in at No. 2 level, which will give a block for stopiug, with backs over 70 ft. in height. It is the intention of the owners to erect crushing machinery on the ground. A small parcel, consisting of 2 tons of quartz, was crushed, for a return of 3oz. 16 dwt. ; value, £10 10s. Seven men were employed. Tararu District. Tararu Greek Mine (Area, 159 acres). —This mine is being steadily developed. The No 1 level, 306 ft. below surface; No. 2, 376 ft.; No. 3, 582 ft.; No. 4, 609 ft.; and No. 5, or low aditlevel, 638 ft. below surface, have each been further advanced, and stoping has been carried on.