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No. 83.—Petition of Eupfino Taminelli. Petitioner prays that compensation may be allowed to him for damages caused to Section numbered 1041, in the Provincial District of Westland, through the proclamation of the Kanieri Eiver as a sludge-channel. Petitioner alleges that the compensation previously awarded to him for prospective damages did not cover the particular section for which compensation is now prayed. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Buffino Taminelli that, as in their judgment compliance with the prayer of the petition would involve disrespect for the law, they have no recommendation to make. 26th November, 1897.

No. 175. —Petition of John Maher. Petitioner prays for compensation for damages likely to be caused to his property, situate at Back Creek, if the Hokitika Biver and its tributaries are proclaimed sludge-channels. Through the absence from the colony of the petitioner at the time of the notification in the Gazette of the intention to proclaim the Hokitika Eiver and its tributaries as sludge-channels the petitioner was unable to forward his application for compensation to the Mining Department within the legal period. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of John Maher that, as in their judgment the granting of the prayer of the petition would involve disrespect for the law, they have no recommendation to make. 26th November, 1897.

No. 234. —Petition of Nelson Education Board. The Nelson Education Board prays that compensation may be granted for damages, amounting to £508, caused to an acre of land at Capleston upon which a schoolroom, cottage, out-buildings, and fences were erected, the said damages having been caused by sludge with mining debris being poured into Boatman's Creek so that it overflowed the said acre of land, rendering the property untenantable and altogether unfit for school purposes. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of the Nelson Education Board that, as in their judgment the granting of the prayer of the petition would involve disrespect for the law, they have no recommendation to make. 26th November, 1897.

No. 177. —Petition of James McKenna and Others, Settlers, Farmers, and Miners. Petitioners pray that the Koiterangi district, comprising the country from the Eimu Goldfields to Whitcombe's Pass, being highly auriferous, may be forthwith proclaimed a mining reserve. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of James McKenna and others that they recommend that it be referred to the Government. 30th November, 1897.

No. 241. —Petition of W. M. Willikin, on behalf of the Addison's Mat Mining Committee. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, as the petition of W. M. Willikin is clearly in contravention of Standing Orders, they have no recommendation to make. 30th November, 1897.

No. 256. —Petition of Charles Curtis and Others. Petitioners pray that Blocks Nos. I. and 11., in the Provincial District of Nelson, being auriferous, may be reserved for gold-mining purposes. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given their best consideration to the question involved in the prayer of this petition, have the honour to report that they recommend that the petition be referred to the Government, with a hope that satisfactory arrangements will be made at an early date to meet the wishes of the petitioners. 30th November, 1897.

No. 176.—Petition of John Graham and Others, Settlers and Farmers. Petitioners pray that the districts of Kokatahi and Koiterangi, in the Provincial District of Westland, being auriferous, may bo set apart as a mining reservation. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of John Graham and others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government. 30th November, 1897.

No. B.—Petition of Henry Hyams. Petitioner prays for compensation for damages likely to be caused to his property if the proclamation of the Hauhau and Hokitika Eivers as sludge-channels is proceeded with. The notice in the Gazette of the intention to proclaim the said rivers escaped his attention, and thereby he was unable to forward his claim to the Mining Department within the period fixed by law. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Henry Hyams that, as in their judgment compliance with the prayer of the petition would involve disregard for the law, they have no recommendation to make, 30th November, 1897.