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Suss. 11.—1897. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to the House of Bepresentatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 19th Day of November, 1897. Ordered, "That Standing O;der No. 211 bo suspended, and that a Goldfields and Minos Committee, consisting of seventeen members, be appointed, to which shall be referred all matters referring to mining, and all Bills relating to mines, with power to call for persons and papers; five to be a quorum: the Committee to consist of Mr. J. Allen, Mr. Carncross, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Mr. Guinness, Mr. Gil fodder, Mr. Herries, Hon. Mr. Larnaoh, Mr. Lang, Mr. Massey, Mr. M. J. S. Mackenzie, Mr, R. McKenzie, Mr. McGowan, Mr. Mills, Mr. O'Regan, Right Hon. Mr. Seddon, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Cadman.)


Nos. 101, 102, and 118.—Petitions of Hugh Cowan and Others, E. Bell and Others, and William Cox and Others. Petitioners pray that "The Mining Act, 1891," may be amended in order to relieve certain prospectors and others, who have taken up claims on behalf of gold-mining companies, of the liabilities they have incurred thereby, and of which liabilities they were wholly ignorant at the time the claims were taken up. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having given their best consideration to the questions involved in the prayer of these petitions, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make. 26th November, 1897.

No. 6. —Petition of Simon Feasee. Pbtitionbe prays that a reward may be granted to him for the discovery of new goldfields. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having investigated the claims of Simon Eraser, and dealt with them during many sessions, they have now no recommendation to make. 26th November, 1897.

:o. ;ions, 50. 'age. ro. iions, ;c. Page. 241 A. Addison's Flat Mining Committee (W. M. Williken, on behalf of) 176 G. Graham, John, and Others 2 8 H. 2 102 272 B. Bell, B., and Others Brosnan, J., and Others 1 3 156 Hyams, Henry .. L. Little, William, and Others 8 101 118 25G c. Cowan, Hugh, and Others Cox, William, and Others Curtis, Charles, and Others Cyanide Process Gold-extraction Bill 1 1 2 3 175 177 M. Maher, John McKenna, James, and Others Mining Bill Mining Companies Acts Amendment Bill .. 2 2 3 3 E. jBduoation Board of Nelson 2 181 7 s. Smith, Alfred, and Others Stains, John, and Others 3 3 184 P. 1 83 T. 2 Fraser, Simon Taminelli, Ruffino