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Ayes, 7.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. No, 1. —Mr. Hutchison. So it was resolved in the affirmative. And the question being put, it was resolved in the affirmative, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.

Wednesday, 9th September, 1896. Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the resolution ordering motions to be taken on Wednesday be rescinded, and that no motion, unless by unanimous leave, be taken into consideration until the Committee has finished taking the evidence, except in respect of summoning witnesses, which shall be dealt with as such questions arise. Mr. Hutchison moved, That the Committee apply to the House for leave to sit during the sitting of the House. And the question being put, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow:— Ayes, 2. —Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin. Noes, 6.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. So it passed in the negative. Mr. William Watson attended and concluded his statement of evidence, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Mr. Watson handed in certain documents, and the same were marked as Exhibits Nos. 57, 58, 59, and 60. Mr. Thomas George Macarthy, a director of the Bank of New Zealand, attended, and was sworn, and made a statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. During Mr. Macarthy's evidence, Hon. Mr. Seddon asked the witness, Would it, in your opinion, be dishonest, or a falsification of the accounts of a company, if bills under discount were not set down under liabilities ? Mr. Montgomery asked, as a point of order, if the question came within the order of reference. The Chairman ruled that the question was within the order of reference, and could be put. Hon. Mr. Seddon handed in memorandum by Mr. J. M. Butt showing figures of contract for sale and purchase of Colonial Bank, and how arrived at, and the same was marked as Exhibit No. 61. At 1 o'clock p.m., Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the Committee do now adjourn until 10.30 o'clock to-morrow.

Thursday, 10th September,lB96. Present : Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. T. G. Macarthy attended and continued his statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. At 1.10 p.m., Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the Committee adjourn until 11 o'clock a.m. to-morrow.

Friday, 11th September, 1896.' Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. T. G. Macarthy attended and concluded his statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. At the conclusion of Mr. Macarthy's evidence, Mr. Hutchison moved, that Mr. Vigers be communicated with, with a view to his attending as a witness next week. Hon. Mr. McKenzie moved, by way of amendment, That the Committee at the next meeting deliberate as to what evidence is required. Upon the Hon. Mr. McKenzie's amendment being put, it was resolved in the affirmative, and it was then put as the substantive motion, and it was resolved in the affirmative. At 1.30 p.m. the Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, The Committee do now adjourn till 10.30 a.m. on Monday next. Mr. Hutchison moved to strike out " Monday," and insert " to-morrow." Upon the question being put, that Monday stand, a division was called for, and the names were taken as follow :— Ayes, 4.—-Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon. Noes, 2.—Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Montgomery. So it was resolved in the affirmative. And upon being put as the substantive motion, it was resolved in the affirmative, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.

Monday, 14th September, 1896. Present : Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. G. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner.