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Words struck out. Hon. Mr. Seddon's motion was then put, and it was resolved in the affirmative. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved to strike out all the words after " £5,000." And the question being put, " That the words proposed to be struck out stand part of the question," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow: —■ Ayes, 4.—Mr. G. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Tanner. Noes, s.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. So it passed in the negative. Words struck out. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, to add the following words : " Did you make an estimate of the value of the Colonial Bank premises? The sum of £125,000 having been paid therefor, what loss, if any, under this head do you estimate will be made? " Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Montgomery, to add as No. 19, "' What was the value of the consideration allowed to the Colonial Bank for their good-will, taking into account the said guarantee accounts (£25,000), and the excess value, if any, paid for the Colonial Bank premises ? " Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, to add as No. 20, "In your opinion, is the interest of the bank and the colony sufficiently safeguarded under existing arrangements in respect to the banking business in Australia and Fiji ? Have you any suggestions to make in respect to this matter? " Mr. Hutchison proposed questions. Mr. Hutchison asked leave to withdraw them. Leave refused. Question 1 altered as question 21, and agreed to after inserting " and by whom" after " efforts "in line 1; and the words " for the Bank of New Zealand " after " capital " in line 2. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, to insert as No. 22, " Were balance-sheets and reports prepared at this time so as to enable Messrs. Johnston and Horton to place the position of the bank before London capitalists, and, if so, will you supply copies of same, failing which, supply any information you may possess of such documents ? " Question 2 altered as question 23, and agreed to after inserting after " them," in line 1, the words " in respect to the position of the Bank of New Zealand and Estates Company." Question 3 altered as question 24, and agreed to after striking out "referred to in Part III.," and inserting in lieu thereof the words " mentioned in Clause IV." Question 4 altered as question 25, and agreed to after inserting after " Manager," in line 2, " and other officers," and the words " or the Bank of New Zealand," after " bank." Question 5 altered as question 26, and agreed to. Resolved, on the motion of Hon. Mr. Seddon, That the questions as approved by the Committee be forwarded to Mr. Murray, together with copies of the order of reference, the report of the sub-committee, and the questions approved, also copies of all the Acts passed in reference to banking affairs since 1888; and that Mr. Murray be requested to send his replies by the first return mail. Mr. William Watson attended and continued his statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. During Mr. Watson's examination Mr. Hutchison wished to ascertain the remuneration received by Mr. Murray, Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, at Auckland, from the German mining syndicate. Hon. Mr. Seddon, as a point of order, objected, as the proper person to ask was Mr. Murray. The Chairman ruled that he would not prevent the question being asked. The witness replied that he " must decline to ascertain the information asked for." At 1 p.m. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, That the Committee do now adjourn until 11 o'clock on Tuesday next. Mr. Hutchison proposed, as an amendment, to omit " Tuesday," with a view of inserting " Monday." And the question being put, " That ' Tuesday ' be retained," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow : — Ayes, 6.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Noes, 3. —Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. Montgomery. So it was resolved in the affirmative. And the question being put as a whole, it was resolved in the affirmative, and the Committee adjourned accordingly.

Tuesday, Bth September, 1896. Present : Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Hon. Mr. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. W. Watson continued his statement, and the same was taken down by the reporter. Mr. Hutchison gave notice to move to-morrow, That the Committee apply to the House for leave to sit during the sitting of the House. At 1.15 p.m. Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, That the Committee do now adjourn until 11 o'clock to-morrow. Mr. Hutchison moved, by way of amendment, That the hour be 10.30 o'clock a.m. And the question being put, "That '11 o'clock' stand," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow; —