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Government, together with all draft balance-sheets prepared for that purpose ; also, copy of original certificates of the Government Auditor, showing adjustments as between the Government, the Assets Company, and the Realisation Board ; also, the second or extended certificates; also, the report of Messrs. Smith, and Kember, in respect to the adjustment and their statement of accounts; also, the rejoinder to the same. (2.) All other documents, papers, and writings relating to the matters respectively above mentioned or included in the order of reference. 8. That Mr. William Booth be subpoenaed, and requested to produce a return of all expenses incurred in connection with the banking legislation prior to 1894, and since, showing— (1.) The amount paid for legal expenses, Bill-drafting, and the names of all firms or companies who received the same, whether direct or through any other legal firm or company; showing separately the amount received for legal services by any member of Parliament. (2.) To furnish also the names of legal firms or companies who have received indirect payments by way of retainers, refreshers, counsel-fees, and expenses for services rendered in connection with the same legislation. (3.) The amount of money (if any) paid to Mr. John Murray for his services in connection with the negotiations connected with the banking legislation of 1893, 1894, and 1895. The Hon. Mr. Seddon moved, That the consideration of the report be postponed till to-morrow. Upon the question being put, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 6.—Mr. Graham, Mr. Guinness, Mr. McGowan, Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward. Noes, 4.—Mr. G. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Tanner. So it was resolved in the affirmative. Mr.'William Booth then continued his statement, which was taken down by the reporter. At 1 o'clock the Committee adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow, Mr. Booth being asked to attend at 11.30 a.m.

Thursday, 23rd July, 1896. Present: Mr. Graham (Chairman), Mr. Guinness, Mr. G. Hutchison, Mr. Maslin, Mr McGowan, Hon. Mr. J. McKenzie, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Seddon, Hon. Major Steward, Mr. Tanner. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Order of reference 22nd July read. The Chairman brought up the following report from the sub-committee in continuation of the one brought up yesterday : — 9. That Mr. Walter Guthrie be subpoenaed to attend, and to produce all books, papers, and documents relating to any writings-off by the Bank of New Zealand in respect of any company with which he is associated. 10. Statements wanted from General Manager or President of the Bank of New Zealand : — (1.) Statement showing in detail the "landed property and bank premises" referred to in paragraph 25, (b), of the agreement of the 18th October, 1895, with the value of each, and the price against any since sold, and the present income in respect of any remaining unsold. (2.) Statement showing in detail the "furniture and stationery" referred to in paragraph 25, (c), of the agreement of the 18th October, 1895. (3.) Statement showing the transfers of shares of the Bank of New Zealand since Ist January, 1893, with the price appearing to have been paid, and the date of such transfers taking effect. (4.) Statement showing the amount received to date of the first call of £500,000 on reserve liability of shareholders. (5.) Statement showing the amount received to date in respect of the first instalment of the second call of £500,000 on reserved liability of shareholders. (6.) Statement showing the recoveries in respect of the £200,000 "contingent liability," being part of the estimated losses of the bank referred to in report of Committee of 1895, page 2. (7.) Statement showing the details of the £148,110 set against the debt of the Auckland Agricultural Company as good assets (vide Report of Committee of 1895, page 2). (8.) Statement showing in detail the cost of administration of the bank in each half-year since Ist January, 1888, till 31st March, 1896. (9.) Statement in respect of the £2,000,000 guaranteed stock, showing the dates of receipt and amount of each instalment, the amounts paid for underwriting (and to whom), and of all charges and expenses. 11. Statements wanted from Mr. Foster or Mr. Todd :— (1.) A statement in tabular form, showing the whole of the globo assets on the 17th day of August, 1895 (the date of the Joint Committee Report), and detailing against each property— (a.) " The book-value "; * (b.) " The bank's latest ascertained value "; * (c,) Any valuations ascertained since the 17th August, 1895, with dates of such valuations; (d.) All realisations since 17th August, 1895, with date and result of each ;

* As referred to in Report of Committee,