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The sub-committee recommend that the following witnesses be summoned, and be requested to produce the several documents, respectively : — 1. Henry Mackenzie, General Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, to attend to give evidence, and to produce — (1.) Certified copies of all entries in the " A," " B," " C," and " D " lists referred to in the agreement of the 18th October, 1895, made between directors of the Bank of New Zealand and of the Colonial Bank in respect of any writings-off since the Ist January, 1888, only. (2.) Certified copies of all entries in the books of the Bank of New Zealand since the Ist January, 1888, in respect of any writings-off. (3.) The minute-books of the directors of the bank in so far as they relate to the takingover, realisation, or liquidation of any accounts in the " B " or " C " lists in respect of any writings-off, and as to the appointment of General Manager and President. (4.) The originals (or certified copies) of the valuations of "landed property and bank premises" (£121,691 ss. 5d.), and of the "furniture and stationery" (£6,250) referred to in paragraph 25, (b), of the agreement of the 18th October, 1895. (5.) Copy of the circular making the call of the first £500,000 of the reserve liability of the shareholders. (6.) The debentures paid or retired of the Estates Company. 2. Joseph George Ward, late Colonial Treasurer, to attend to give evidence. 3. Keith Ramsay, William Brown Vigers, and William Lawrence Simpson, the official liquidators of the Colonial Bank (Limited), to attend to give evidence, and to produce — (1.) Copy deed of settlement of the bank. (2.) The balance-sheets and reports of directors since the Ist January, 1893. (3.) All letters and communications as to the deposit by the Colonial Treasurer (in 1894) of £150,000. (4.) All other books, documents, papers, and writings relating to the matters respectively above mentioned, or to the matters included in the order of reference, and now in the possession, custody, or control of any one or more of such liquidators. 4. John Martin Butt, Auditor of the Bank of New Zealand, Wellington, to attend and give evidence, and to produce— (1.) All regulations defining the duties and powers of the Auditor (under section 14 of " The Bank of New Zealand Guarantee Act, 1894 "). (2.) All drafts of agreements since 1888 for purchase or amalgamation, and all notes, memoranda, writings, and papers in any way relating thereto. (3.) All documents, papers, writings, and correspondence, confidential or otherwise, as to the audit of the bank's accounts. (4.) All other books, documents, papers, and writings relating to the matters respectively above mentioned or included in the order of reference. 5. George Todd, Chairman of the Assets Realisation Board, Wellington, to attend to give evidence, and to produce— (1.) A copy of the accounts of the Board as audited in terms of section 27 of " The Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act, 1895." (2.) All other books, documents, papers, and writings relating to the matters respectively above mentioned or included in the order of reference. 6. That the following persons be intimated their attendance will be required as witnesses before the Committee, at such time as may be afterwards fixed : — John Murray, Sydney. G. A. Birch, Manager Bank of New Zealand, Timaru. R. A. Chisholm, Manager Bank of New Zealand, Invercargill. John Fisher, Invercargill. Walter Johnston, Director Bank of New Zealand, Wellington. William Booth, Director Bank of New Zealand, Wellington. Hon. George McLean, M.L.C. Captain Colbeck, Auckland. W. S. Wilson, Auckland. S. Graves, Ashburton, Merchant. J. C. Hanna, Wellington. A. R. Lyons, Napier. W. C. Cuff. J. McCaw. W. S. Foster, Wellington. T. G. McCarthy, Wellington. George Buckley, Christchurch. George E. Tolhurst, Wellington. Directors Colonial Bank and Bank of New Zealand. Major George, Auckland. 7. W. S. Foster, Wellington, to be called, and to produce— (1.) All balance-sheets submitted to the Committee in the session of 1895 ; also, all station accounts and balance-sheets of the several stations; also, all balance-sheets and draft balance-sheets prepared between the 22nd June, 1895, and the 10th October, 1895, in connection with the stations, stock, real estate, and leasehold properties; also, balance-sheets submitted to the Government Auditor for adjustment of the accounts as between the Estates Company, the Assets Realisation Board, and the