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195. Did you know, or did you not, that at the time you saw Mr. Cadman, a caveat had been lodged against your title ? —Yes ; I knew at the time I offered the land for sale that a caveat had been lodged against my title. 196. What was your next step in the direction of a sale to Mr. Cadman or the Government ?—- Fraser then went to Wellington, and the end was that there was a sale to the Government. 197. Who fixed the price ? —Fraser and the Government. 198. How much was it per acre ? —Four pounds and some shillings. 199. Did you consent to this price when Fraser told you ? —Yes. 200. Did you consult any or all of these people in your list before you consented to the price ?—No. 201. Then you did not ask for their consent, then or afterwards ?—No; I did not speak to them about it. 202. Was Fraser fully authorised to act for you ? Had he power of attorney ? —Yes. 203. Did you sign the deed of transfer? —No. 204. Have you never signed a deed ?—No ; I have not signed any deed. 205. Did you never sign any deed of sale or transfer to the Queen ?—No. 206. Was the only thing you signed the pukapuka when the money came to Bulls, afterwards ? —Yes ; all that I know of signing was a receipt for the money I received at Bulls. 207. When did you see the Minister again ?—I have stated that Fraser told me he had agreed to sell for £4 and some shillings. 208. How long after the Horowhenua meeting was that, or was it before ?—lt was before, I think ; I cannot be certain about it; perhaps it was before, perhaps after; I think it was before. 209. Do you remember whether you or Donald Fraser told the people at Horowhenua that you had been selling to Mr. Cadman at that meeting ? —No; I did not say anything. Why should I ? 210. Did you tell Wirihana you had agreed to £4 odd an acre ?—Yes; I spoke to him, but I did not tell the others. 211.. Did he- agree to the price or not ? —Yes ; he assented to it. 212. Did you tell Himiona Kowhai that you had agreed to sell at that price ? —No. 213. Did you tell Hoani Puihi ?—I have said before I did not tell any of them. 214. Did you tell your sisters ?—No. 215. Then the only person you took into your confidence was Wirihana Hunia ?—Yes ; I told no one else. 216. When Donald Fraser came and told you he had settled the business, did he give you any money?—l only know about the money I got. I went up to the post-office and got some money by cheque there. 217. Was not that a payment made to you during the sitting of Parliament in 1894 ? I will read you what you said in the Supreme Court. You have told us you do not remember signing the transfer to the Queen. Do you remember saying this in the Supreme Court at Wanganui in September, 1894, before the Chief Justice. Mr. Edwards put this question : " You have lately signed a deed to the Queen of part of the land—l,soo acres—for £6,000 ? —I signed the transfer for 1,500 acres; purchase-money, £6,000. Have you received any of the purchase-money?—£2,ooo, some months ago. In what form ?—ln money. From whom ?—The Government; a cheque. Payable to whom ?—To my hands. What did you do with it ?—I put it into the Bank of New South Wales in my own name : I have an account at Bulls : I had an account there. When did you pay the money to Donald Fraser?—About the same time; not the whole. How much?— £300, about that. Only £300 to Donald Fraser ? —£soo altogether to Donald: I gave him a lot of money before that: I gave him £300 of my own before that: £200 on another occasion : £300 before that: that is all: this money came from other places : I have spent the rest of the £2,000. Did you give any to the tribe? —No; " I never said that in the Supreme Court: what I did say was that I signed a receipt at Bulls for some money I received; I say now I did not sign a deed. 217 a. Now, as to the payment at Bulls ; did you say this in answer to the question, " Have you received any of the purchase-money " ?—£2,000 some months ago. 218. Is that a true report of what you said ?—Yes. 219. But you wish the Commissioners to understand that you did not say you signed a deed to the Queen? —I am speaking quite correctly. I did not sign any deed. But it was like this :it was left till all the trouble about these moneys was over. 220. Do you expect more money from the Government, or is that all you are to receive— the £2,000 ?—Yes ; there is £4,000 odd left for me to get now. 221. When are you to receive that?—At the time it will be received, I do not know; the Government know. 222. You did receive £2,ooo?—Yes ; at Bulls, through the Post Office. 223. Who was there when you got it ?—Nicholas, the Postmaster. 224. Was Donald Fraser there ?—Yes. 225. Did he get you to sign a receipt for the £2,000? —-Nicholas put a paper before me to sign, and I signed it. 226. Was any Magistrate there?— No. 227. Was any licensed interpreter there ?—No. 228.—Did you give any of the £2,000 to any of the people whose names you gave ua to-day ?—No. 229. How long was it between the interview you had with Mr. Cadman and this payment of £2,000 ? —lt might have been a year. 230. Do you know who the Minister was at the time the money was paid?—l think it was Mr. McKenzie.