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has, I understand, been somewhat out of favour for some time, until it was found to be specially adapted for butter-boxes, the result of this being extensive orders, from Victoria especially. The total output of timber is as follows : From mining blocks, red-pine, 2,971,156 ft. ; from mining blocks, white-pine, 361,000 ft. ; from mining blocks, silver-pine, 131,527 ft.; from Crown lands, silver-pine, 527,799 ft.; from Grey Harbour Board Beserve, red-pine, 585,100 ft.: total, 4,576,582 ft. In addition to this an equal quantity is supposed to have been cut from Midland Eailway Company's lands and freeholds. D. Barron, Commissioner of Crown Lands.

OTAGO. At the outset it may be observed that in almost every particular the remarks made on the several matters touched upon in the report for 1893-94 would be equally apposite to such matters on the present occasion, to wit, as to the shrinkage of revenue, the difficulties of settlers in consequence of the fall in the prices of all kinds of agricultural and farm produce, the partiality of selectors for the lease-in-perpetuity system as compared with other systems, the demand for pasture lands under the small-grazing system at moderately low rentals, as well as the suitability of operations under the Land for Settlements Act to meet the demand for small settlement in populous districts, where outside work is obtainable. Last Year's Transactions. —The attached summary furnishes, as it were, a bird's-eye view of the last year's transactions, showing the number of selections of all kinds during the year, the areas held under the several tenures at the close of the year, and the revenue received from all sources : —

Summary of Land Transactions, 1894-95.

On reference to last year's report, it will be seen that, both in the quantity of land disposed of and in the amount of revenue received, there has been a falling-off,—much less land being disposed of, and less money received, than was estimated would be the case. This is, no doubt, partly owing to the low prices prevailing, but chiefly to the fact that, through unforeseen and unavoidable

Selections made during the Year. Area held at 31st March, 1895. Class of Selection. Eevenue received during the Year. Number. Area. Number. Area. Cash Deferred payments Deferred payments made freehold 50 A. B. P. 748 0 21 260 A. B. P. 70,949" 0 19 £ s. d. 1,192 8 2 4,408 9 0 31 5,257" 1 19 Perpetual leases Perpetual lease made freehold Occupation, right purchase Lease in perpetuity Lease in perpetuity exchanged from other tenures Agricultural leases... Village settlement, cash Village settlement, deferred payment Village settlement, made freehold Village settlement, perpetual lease Village settlement, made freehold Village settlements, right of purchase Village settlement, lease in perpetuity Village homestead, special settlement Special-settlements association 4 31 75 45 1,026 2 11 5,193 0 9 16,251 1 2) 20,074 1 7J 579 119,144 3 38 4,463 2 1 682 0 0 480 1 3 68 13,146* 2 26 292 91,718 1 1 1,588 1 7 2 2 44 2 5 0 3 0 47 4,280 1 34 204 0 9 17 0 0 94 14 10 23 395' 3 14 13 103 1 15 44 981 3 27 76 8 2 2 58 2 7 55 10 0 3 1 2 28 3 1 2 28 0 8 0 45 554 3 27 96 1,516 2 15 96 15 10 96 1,585 0 20 198 17 6 15 2,954 3 12 10 17 1 Improved farm settlements ... Homestead lands ... Small grazing-runs .. Pastoral licenses Coal and mineral licenses &c. Timber-cutting licenses Miscellaneous licenses Survey fees Other sources Land for settlements 28 2,775 2 18 43 6 245 323 4,140 2 18 604 3 4 482,296 0 10 3,964,159 0 0 28 19 4 1 76 53,119 2 34 150,122 1 11 122 3 24) 20 0 0 26,919 2 OJ 10,993"lO 8 41,547 11 5 261 73,630 0 23 714 7 0 237 2 6 584 12 3 434 17 5 17 1,739 1 30 43 5,686" 1 9 Total Crown lands ... Endowments 476 5 284,143 3 28 25,552 3 22 2,444 59 4,837,192 47,586 1 18 2 36 68,080 15 1,723 7 6 6 Gross totals... 481 309,696 3 10 2,503 14,884,779 0 14 69,804 3 0