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Public Works Fund, Part I. — Balance remaining on 31st March, 1895 £268,605 Transfer from Consolidated Fund 150,000 Miscellaneous credits 10,000 £428,605 Public Works Fund, Part II. — Balance remaining on 31st March, 1895 £26,604 Credits under section 4 of " The North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act, 1889 " 12,000 38,604 Total Public Works Fund £467,209 Lands Improvement Account 160,793 Native Lands Purchase Account 198,991 Under " The Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 " 50,000 Gross total ways and means .. £876,993 APPEOPEIATIONS PEOPOSED. The appropriations proposed under these several heads are as follows:— Public Works Fund, Part I. £425,253 Public Works Fund, Part 11. 36,800 Total Public Works Fund £462,053 Under the Lands Improvement Account 160,581 Under the Native Lands Purchase Account 143,791 Gross total appropriations proposed £766,425 This will leave an unappropriated balance of £5,156 under the Public Works Fund to be carried forward to next year, besides £212 on the Lands Improvement Account, and £105,200 on the Native Lands Purchase Account, or a total unappropriated balance of £110,568. TOTAL EXPENDITUEE TO END OE 1894-95. The expenditure on all works and services throughout the colony out of the Public Works Fund up to the 31st March last, including the value of the provincial and the purchase-price of the district railways, was as follows :— Eailways £16,006,853 Roads 3,916,526 Immigration 2,146,654 Public Buildings 1,944,900 Purchase of Native Lands 1,297,854 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences 910,103 Telegraph Extension 699,022 Development of Goldfields 578,306 Defence Works (general) 429,719 Departmental 384,842 Cost and Discount, Raising Loans, and other Charges 1,332,396 Total . £29,647,175 EAILWAYS UNDEE CONSTEUCTION I will now give brief particulars of the principal railway-works that have been under construction during the year KAMO-K AWAKAWA. The section of this line between Kamo and Hikurangi was completed and handed over to the Working EauVays Department on the 2nd July, 1894. Since