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SCHEDULE No. 2—continued. Analysis of Cases rejected—Hawke's Bay District.

8 claims of Volunteers excluded for not having the requi- 8 claims rejected on the ground of character on discharge— site service— Nos. 344, 345, 34S, 349, 357, 363, 365, 372. Some of Nos. 339, 340, 350, 352, 354, 355, 364, 371. these are inadmissible ; others are open to argu.4 claims in which applicants have not complied with the ment, &c. Acts— 6 claims, miscellaneous — No?. 337. 338, 343, 347, 353, 356, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, Nos. 337, 341, 346, 357, 369, 370. 366, 368, 369. — 36 claims in the Hawke's Bay District. No. and Name of Claimant. Corps. Amount. Beasons tor rejecting the Claim. Haivke's Bat Distrii ■t. 337. Ashton, John Hawke'sBayVeomanry and T Battery N.Z. Artillery Volunteer Artillery Napier Artillery Volunteers Hawke's Bay Volunteers £ 30 Has neglected to reply to communications asking for information regarding his claim. Ditto. Only four years' service. Not five years' efficient service as a Volunteer in any properly-enrolled Volunteer corps. Has already received land as a Military Settler. This claim is for balance of land on W. Doolan's selection. The claim does not come within the Acts, and has already been dealt with by a clause in Special Powers and Contracts Act of 1882. Was not discharged till 1871. Did not serve in New Zealand. Rejected under subsection a of section 2 of Act of 1892. Character on discharge "bad." 338. Ashton, Edward ... 339. Ashton, William ... 340. Blackstop, George 30 30 30 341. Boland, Michael ... 342. Boland, Michael ... Wairoa Rifles ... Wairoa Rifles ... 30 30 343. Carter, Private Richard H.M. 10th Eegiment ... 30 344. Cassells, Private Patrick ... H.M. 2nd Battalion, 18th Regiment H.M. 57th Regiment H.M. 99th Regiment ... 30 345. Corbett, Private Patrick ... 346. Fitzpatrick, Sergeant John 30 40 Character on discharge " indifferent." Already received land at Wairoa as a Military Settler under the New Zealand Settlement Act. Served in New Zealand. Was not discharged until 1878. Served in the colony. Service dates only from 1882 —not within the time fixed by the Acts. Was discharged with character " indifferent." Has only two and a half years' service as Volunteer : five years required. Has already received land for service in Yeomanry. Not five years' continuous service as efficient Volunteer. Did not retire from the service for the purpose of settling in New Zealand. Not had five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service. This claim was specially recommended, in 1891, for meritorious service. Not five years' service as efficient Volunteer. Has received land for Imperial service Did not retire for the purpose of settling in this colony. Served in New Zealand. Character on discharge " bad." 347. Forsythe, Sergeant William H.M. 2nd Battalion, 18th Regiment Cook County Rifle Volunteers H.M. 57th Regiment ... Hawke's Bay Cavalry Volunteers Wanganui Volunteer Cavalry Arrow Rifle Volunteers ... 40 348. Fagan, John 30 349. G-ardiner, Private John 350. Groome, Michael Edward ... 30 30 351. Hogan, Joseph ... 30 352. Hornsby, J. T. Marryat ... 30 353. Howe, Private Thomas 354. Large, Captain John T. H.M. 2nd Battalion, 14th Regiment Ngatiporou Contingent ... 30 30 355. Parkin, Sergeant Stephen ... Field Force 30 356. Lamer, Private Patrick H.M. 40th Regiment ... 30 357. Lynch, Private Michael H.M. 2nd Battalion, 14th Regiment H.M. 70th Regiment ... 30 358. Madigan, Private Luke 30 Was not discharged for the purpose of settling in New Zealand. Claim received too late. Not received till August, 1893. Ditto, June, 1893. 359. Maher, Private Patrick H.M. 14th Regiment ... 30 360. Martin, Arthur ... Hawke's B ay Military Settlers Hawke's Bay Defence Force (Mounted) Lieutenant H.M. 33rd Regiment H.M. 2nd Battalion, 18th Regiment Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry H.M. 65th Eegiment ... Not in any corps 30 361. Miller (Moylan), W. 30 Ditto, August, 1893. 362. Miller, Richard Mant 363. Mitchell, Corporal William 200 30 Did not retire till 1870. Did not serve in New Zealand. This man deserted. 364. Muir, Sergeant James 30 Has not five years' efficient Volunteer service. 365. McAUarney, Private John ... 366. McDonald (McDonell), D.... 367. McGinn, Private Patrick ... 368. McGregor, Colonel Robert (by his widow, Mrs. M. M. F. Tylee) 369. Palmer, Private James • ... H.M. 18th Regiment ... H.M. 65th Regiment ... 30 30 30 200 Character on discharge " irregular." Only casual service. Has no claim. Not enrolled in a corps. Deserted on 18th August, 1870. Did not retire from the service until 1873. Served in New Zealand. H.M. 57th Regiment ... 30 No information can be obtained from this claimant, notwithstanding repeated inquiries. Applied in 1891. Has already received land - scrip as Military Settler. Not five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service. Character on discharge " bad." 370. Spencer, Bugler and Drummer 371. Spiller, Thomas Robert H.M. 40th Regiment ... 30 Napier Rifle Volunteers... 30 372. Torpey, Private Richard ... H.M. 50th Regiment ... 30