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SCHEDULE No. 2—continued.

o—E. 23.

No. and Name of Claimant. Corps. Amount. Eeasons for rejecting the Claim. Sv/ppl '.mentary Return, Auc, ■land Dmd 1 Distric t —continued. 110. Newey, Private James H.M. 6th Inniskillen Dragoons £ 30 £ 30 40 25 30 30 40 30 30 30 200 30 30 30 40 30 200 40 30 200 200 30 30 30 30 30 40 200 Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Discharged in 1853 ; arrived 1860. Rejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Did not serve. Already received land for service in the Waikato Militia. Rejected under subsection 2 of seel ion 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Did not complete time of enrolment; supplied a substitute, who received a land-grant for this service. Bejected under subsection 3 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Discharged in 1857; arrived in 1867. Bejected under subsection 2 of Act of 1889. Ditto. Already received land for service in the Waikato Militia. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land for Heke's war. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Character on discharge " bad." Bejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Already received scrip for this service, which he did not exercise. Rejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Eetired in 1868; arrived in 1870. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Already received land for service in the Waikato Militia. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of'l889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land for Heke's war. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received scrip for Volunteer service in 1871; did not exercise it. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land for Heke's war. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Did not settle in New Zealand. Discharged in 1861; arrived in 1874. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Already received land for this service. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land as a discharged soldier. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land under the Act of 1889 for this service. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Eetired in 1851; arrived in 1857. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Eetired in 1866 ; settled here in 1873. Bejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Already received land for Volunteer service. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Already received land for service in the Waikato Militia. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. Did not settle in New Zealand until after the time fixed by the Acts. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889 and subsection a of section 2 of Act of 1892. Served in New Zealand. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Discharged in 1847; settled here in 1864. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. Already received land for Heke's war. Eejected under subsection 2 of section 10 of Act of 1889 and section 7 of Act of 1891. No trace of any such man having served in H.M. 58th Regiment obtainable. Rejected under section 2 of Act of 1889 and section 6 of Act of 1891. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Did not so settle; died abroad. Rejected under subsection 2 of section 2 of Act of 1889. ill. Odium, Corporal John H.M. 65th Regiment ... 40 512. Parsons, Corporal William... Forest Rangers, 2nd Corps 25 {13. Pearson, Private James H.M. 57th Regiment ... 30 514. Perkins, Private Job 515. Petty, Sergeant Dominick ... H.M. 25th Regiment ... H.M. 40th Regiment 30 40 516. Quinn, Private James H.M. 58th Regiment ... 30 !17. Bainsford, Private Francis... H.M. 2nd Battalion 18th Regiment H.M. 65th Begiment ... 30 (18. Rattigan, Drummer Peter ... 30 519. Ryan, Midshipman W.Alfred R. H.M.S. "Defence" 200 120. Eyan, Private John H.M. 65th Begiment ... 30 121. Eyan, Private Jeremiah H.M. 58th Begiment ... 30 122. Scott, Private John Auckland Volunteers 30 523. Shanaghan, Dr. Major J. P. H.M. 58th Begiment ... 40 !24. Smith, Private John Eoyal Canadian Eifles ... 30 525. Symonds, Captain J. J. H.M. 5th Fusiliers 200 126. Taylor, Staff-Serjeant George H.M. 58th Eegiment ... 40 527. Thomas, Private W. F. ... Waiuku Cavalry Volunteers 30 128. Thomas, Captain W. Esdaile H.M. 26th Eegiment ... 200 529. Thomas, George L. Barry ... H.M. 12th Eegiment 200 530. Vincent, Private Augustus... H.M. 65th Eegiment ... 30 581. Wadsworth, Private John ... H.M. 99th Eegiment ... 30 532. Walsh, Private Mai tin H.M. 70th Eegiment ... 30 533. Ward, Private Patrick H.M. 99th Begiment ... 534. Whaley, Private John H.M. 58th Begiment ... 535. Wilks, Corporal Elijah H.M. 58th Regiment ... 536. Wynyard, Major - General Robert Henry H.M. 58th Regiment