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for the Year ended 31st March, 1893, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1892.


EXPENDITURE. 1892-93. 1891-92. £ s. d. 256,065 2 9 £ s. d. 1,503 7 9 Balance at beginning of Year <~lv.<TinAl Pi'p- Pi-irnrorror] Original -R_ r „ Fle ~ Converted Stock. " ate - mium. Stock. Debentures converted into 3fj-per-cent. £ £ £ £ Inscribed Stock, — New Zealand Loan, 1860 .. .. 74,100 104 2,964 77,064 New Zealand Loan, 1863 .. .. 346,700 104 13,868 360,568 New Zealand Loan, 1863 .. .. 68,900 110 6,890 75,790 Auckland Loan, 1863 .. .. 11,800 114 1,652 13,452 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan, 1860 .. .. .. 6,000 111 660 6,660 Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway Loan,1860 .. .. .. 200 109 18 218 Canterbury Loan, 1862 .. .. 5,800 136 2,088 7,888 Otago Loan, 1862 .. .. .. 23,700 117J 4,147 27,847 Otago Loan, 1862 .. .. .. 1,000 116J 168 1,168 Otago Loan, 1862 .. .. .. 6,600 113* 891 7,491 Westland Loan, 1873 .. .. 50,000 107J 3,750 53,750 Consolidated Loan, 1867 .. .. 64,000 106§ 4,000 68,000 658,800 41,096 Original T)ot= Pre " Converted Stock. " ate - mium. Stock. £ £ 74,100 346,700 68,900 11,800 104 104 110 114 6,000 111 200 5,800 23,700 1,000 6,600 50,000 64,000 109 136 117J 116J 113* 107J 1064; 658,800 699,896 0 0 Debentures converted into 4-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, — Consolidated Stock, 1884 .. .. 43,600 110 4,360 47,960 Consolidated Stock, 1884 .. .. 4,214,100 107 294,987 4,509,087 43,600 4,214,100 110 107 4,503,647 0 0 4,257,700 299,347 4,557,047 Less outstanding .. .. 53,400 .. .. 53,400 4,257,700 53,400 Debentures dealt with under •' The Lost Debentures Act, 1886," — New Zealand Loan, 1863 .. .. .. .. .. £1,400 Five-per-cent. 10-40 Loan .. .. .. .. .. 700 2,100 0 0 Suspense Account, — Consolidated Stock Debentures outstanding as above 53,400 0 0 5,259,043 0 0 Debentures redeemed, — Consolidated Loan, 1867, due 1st January, 1893 Government-Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, due 1st March, 1892 Five-per-cent. 10-40, 1st March, 1890 New Zealand Loan Act, 1860, due 1st July, 1891 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863, — Due 15th March, 1891 „ loth June, 1891 „ 15th December, 1891 Public Revenues Act, 1886, due 10th October, 1891 Westland Loan Act, 1873, due 15th April, 1894 64,000 0 0 100 0 0 449,000 0 0 4,600 0 0 67,200 0 0 1,700 0 0 111,000 0 0 175,500 0 0 61,600 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 / 65,800 0 0 968,900 0 0 Temporary advance repaid to Bank of England 2,000 0 0 285,000 0 0 Expenses Account, — Brokerage and Commission Stamp Duty.. Interest Discount Telegrams .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i Office Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 356 10 0 29,115 17 6 175 14 1 457 15 1 1,258 10 4 478 2 10 2,030 10 0 4,245 19 6 348 7 0 2,720 0 0 3,429 14 0 31,842 9 10 12,774 11 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £5,614,750 12 7 £1,268,177 18 9