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Boss Hospital, 26th November, 1892. This hospital is kept open merely as a means of supplementing the salary of a medical man, so as to induce one to stay in the place.

THAMES HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1892 ... ... ... 18 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 214 Total under treatment ... ... ... 232 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 205 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Bemaining on 31st March, 1893... ... ... ... 11 Sex. —180 males, 52 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Thames and Ohinemuri Counties and Thames Borough. Country. —England, 65; Scotland, 18; Ireland, 38; New Zealand, 91; France, 1; Belgium, 1; America, 6; Victoria, 2 ; Tasmania, 3; Cape Colony, 3 ; Nova Scotia, 2; Canada, 1; Sweden, 1. Beligion. —No record. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 5,831; individual average days' stay, 25-13. Daily average cost per head, 4s. 114 d. ; less patients' payments, 3s. lOd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 210; attendances, 502. Bevenue and Expendituee. Bevenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 563 13 7 Bations, fuel, and light ... 356 5 9 Local bodies ... ... ... 495 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... 14 0 6 Subscriptions and donations ... 50 9 8 Surgery and dispensary ... 104 19 4 Bents ... ... ... 18 0 0 Clothing ... ... ... 1 14 6 Patients' payments ... ... 324 11 6 Furniture and earthenware ... 37 9 9 Other sources ... ... 2173 Salaries and wages ... ... 701 0 8 Balance from last year... ... 77 0 11 Water-supply and rates ... 52 17 6 Funerals ... ... ... 5 17 0 Bepairs ... ... ... 29 11 10 Additions to buildings ... ... 30 8 4 Printing, advertising, postage, and stationery ... ... ... 30 6 0 Insurance ... ... ... 6 0 0 Other expenses ... ... 99 5 10 Total ... ... £1,550 2 11 Total ... ... £1,469 17 0 Thames Hospital, 20th March, 1893. I found this hospital admirably organized and working well in all its departments.

TIMABU HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1892 ... ... ... 28 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 241 Total under treatment ... ... ... 269 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Bemaining on 31st March, 1893... ... ... ... 25 Sex. —l7l males, 98 females. Localities from which Patients came. —Hospital district, 225 ; outside hospital district, 44. Nationality. —English, 90 ; Scotch, 31; Irish, 50 ; Colonial, 95 ; German, 1; French, 1; Norwegian, 1. Beligion. —Church of England, 115 ; Boman Catholic, 55 ; Presbyterian, 50 ; Wesleyan, 19 ; Methodist, 10 ; Congregationalist, 6; Salvation Army, 10 ; Baptist, 3 ; Plymouth Brethren, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 8,711; individual average days' stay, 32-38. Daily average cost per head, 4s. lfd.; less patients' payments, 3s. lOfd. Outdoor Patients. —lndividual cases, 160 ; attendances, 437.