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[No. 1 of 1893. Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. A Ebgulation (made in the Name of and on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty by Her Majesty's Assistant High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, under the Provisions of the Western Pacific Order in Council of 1879) to prohibit the Supply of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Substances to Natives of the Western Pacific Islands. [l.s.] H. S. Berkeley. 1. In this regulation,— The expression " Western Pacific" means and includes any of the following islands or places, namely : — (1.) The group of islands known as the Union Islands, the Phoenix Islands, the Ellice Islands, the Gilbert Islands, the Solomon Islands not included in the German Protectorate, the Santa Cruz Islands. (2.) All other islands in the Western Pacific Ocean (with the exception of the Tongan and Samoan Islands) not being within the limits of the Colonies of Fiji, Queensland, or New South Wales, and not being within the jurisdiction of any civilised Power. The expression " the waters of the Western Pacific Islands " means the waters within three miles of any of the islands or places included in the Western Pacific Islands. The word " arms " means every kind of firearms, and any part or parts of firearms. The word " ammunition" means every kind of ammunition for firearms, and any material for the preparation thereof. The expression " explosive substance " means gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, guncotton, blasting-powder, and every other substance used or manufactured with a view to produce a practical effect by explosion. The word " native " shall mean and include any native of any island in the Pacific Ocean other than a person of European descent. 2. British vessels within the waters of the Western Pacific Islands shall not carry arms or ammunition. But this provision shall not be .held to prevent or forbid the carriage by any such vessel for the protection of the same, and of the persons therein, and otherwise for the ordinary lawful purposes of such vessel, of arms and ammunition in quantities not exceeding those herein specified—viz., one rifle or shot-gun and one pistol for every member of the crew of such vessel whose names shall be on the articles, and for every bond fide passenger (other than a native) on board such vessel ; one hundred rounds of ammunition for every such rifle, shot-gun, or pistol on board ; cannons or swivelguns forming part of the ordinary equipment of any such vessel, together with one hundred rounds of ammunition for every such gun. The carriage of arms and ammunition as cargo, consigned to, and intended only for the use of, a person (other than a native) resident within the Western Pacific Islands, shall be deemed to be an ordinary lawful purpose of such vessel, provided always that the total amount of arms and ammunition carried on board such vessel shall not exceed the above-specified quantities. 3. British subjects within the Western Pacific Islands shall not give, sell, or otherwise supply any arms, ammunition, or explosive substance to any native. i. Any British subject who shall carry, or aid or abet the carriage of, any arms or ammunition in any British vessel within the waters of the Western Pacific Islands, except as permitted by this regulation, shall be guilty of an offence against this regulation. 5. Any British subject within the Western Pacific Islands who shall give, sell, or otherwise supply, or aid or assist in supplying, any arms, or any single firearm, or any ammunition or explosive substance, to any native, shall be guilty of an offence against this regulation. 6. Any person guilty of an offence against this regulation shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to punishment, as follows : (1) Imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding ten pounds ; or (2) a fine alone, not exceeding ten pounds, without any imprisonment. 7. Eegulation No. 1 of 1884, intituled " A Eegulation to prohibit the Supply of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Substances to Natives of the Western Pacific Islands." is hereby repealed; but any offence against such regulation committed before the coming into force of this regulation may be dealt with, and shall be punishable, as if such regulation were still in force. 8. This regulation shall come into force on the first day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and may be cited as " The Arms Regulation, 1893." Given this fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetythree. By command. Wilfred Collet, Secretary to the High Commissioner.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,300 copies), £12 10s.

By Authority : Samuel Costall, Government Printer for the time being, Wellington.—lB93.

Price 9d.j