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Mrs. Charlotte Donald, of Auckland, New Zealand, was, on Sunday, the 4th day of December last, seized on the high seas by some twenty natives of the Island of Penrhyn, and taken into the lagoon of that island, where she now lies, her master, Mr. Thomas Harries, and his crew being detained as prisoners. As the nearest British official, I apply to you to take what steps you may consider best for the immediate release of the above-mentioned vessel, in the interest of whoever may have insured her. I do not consider her safe in such a place at this time of the year, and, further, Mr. Harries has written to me that his provisions were at time of writing nearly finished, and requested food be sent him as soon as possible. I am, &c, E. Exham, Lloyd's Agent. Frederick J. Moss, Esq., H.B.M. Eesident, Cook Islands Federation, Earotonga.

[Copy of Eeply.] Sik, — Cook Islands, British Eesidency, Earotonga, 24th February, 1893. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of this date, applying, as Lloyd's agent, to me, as the nearest British official, " to take steps for the immediate release of the British schooner 'Norval,' " which you say " was seized on the 4th December on the high seas by some twenty natives of the Island of Penrhyn." You add that you make this application "in the interest of whoever may have insured her." As far back as Saturday last, the 18th irstant, I heard by common report of the seizure of this vessel, and at once made all possible inquiry. I am able, therefore, to inform you that the seizure was not by individual natives, but the avowed and deliberate act of the Hau, or Native Government, who are looking for the arrival at Penrhyn of one of Her Majesty's ships to make proper inquiry. Penrhyn, as you are aware, is beyond my jurisdiction, but I am preparing as full a report as possible for His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. Meanwhile I cannot agree with you as to the urgency for immediate action. Mr. Harries, the master of the " Norval," has made no such application, nor given any indication that he considers the vessel in danger, although he has written very fully in other respects. I have &c, Feedebick J. Moss, E. Exham, Esq., Lloyd's Agent, Earotonga. British Eesident.

Enclosure No. 13. Statement of James Donald, Mastee of the Beitish Schooneb " Agnes Martin," of Auckland. British Eesidency, Earotonga, 25th February, 1893. I left Penrhyn Island on the Ist February. I saw the schooner "Norval" at anchor in the lagoon, lying close to the native schooner " Omoka " (late " Te Dira "). So far as risk of shipwreck is concerned, I see no danger. The lagoon is a very safe one. The " Archer," a steamer somewhat larger than the steamer " Eichmond," and which I know well (having sailed in her), goes into the lagoon, and lays there with safety. I did not go on board the " Norval," but frequently met the master, Mr. Harries. He told me that he and his vessel were both detained by force, but that his crew were at liberty to leave whenever they liked. He was not in. confinement, but left at large, but not to leave Penrhyn. He was living on board the " Norval." I know nothing about the food or provisions Mr. Harries may have on board the " Norval." James Donald, Master, ketch " Agnes Martin," of Auckland, New Zealand.

No. 8. PROHIBITION OP ARMS, AMMUNITION, ETC., TO NATIVES OP WESTERN PACIFIC. Assistant Commissioner H. E. Beekeley to His Excellency the Govebnob. My Loed, — High Commissioner's Office, Western Pacific, Suva, Fiji, sth April, 1893. I have the honour to forward herewith copy of a regulation which I have passed, with the approval of the Secretary of State, to replace the Arms Eegulation of 1884. Under this regulation the amount of firearms and ammunition permitted to be carried on board a British vessel is increased when there are European passengers on board, and the carriage as cargo of arms and ammunition consigned to and intended only for the use of non-native persons is declared to be one of the " ordinary legal purposes " of a British vessel. I have, &c, His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Glasgow, H. S. Beekeley. Governor of New Zealand.