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The Selectors' Lands Revaluation Continuance and Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and have made no amendments therein, and beg to recommend that the Bill be allowed to proceed accordingly. A copy of the Bill is attached hereto. 27th September, 1892.

No. 588.—0n the Petition of R. Darlow and 34 Others. Petitioners pray that a dray-road may be constructed from Pakanae to Waimamaku, as present road is now quite impassable. If a new road is constructed a considerable amount of Crown lands in the vicinity will be opened up for settlement. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 3rd October, 1892.

No. 589.—Petition of Henry Corbett and 24 Others. Petitioners are ratepayers in the Parihaka Riding, Taranaki County, and pray that their riding may be formed into a new county, to be called the Egmont County, and also that the Egmont County Bill now before Parliament may become law. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make with reference to this petition. 3rd October, 1892.

The Public Reserves Vesting and Sale Bile. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto as shown in the atached copy of the Bill. 3rd October, 1892.

- ■ ' The Tairua Land Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that, not having sufficient evidence before them to enable a report to be presented on the Bill this session, they have therefore no recommendation to make. sth October, 1892. ' ___

Nos, 651 (No. 1), 652 (No. 2), 1891, Sess. ll.—Petitions of James Paton and Others. Petitioners state: (1) That they purchased land from the Southland Land Board, but since the purchase discovered that a tramway concession was granted to McCallum and Co., sawmillers; the line of tramway passes through certain of the lands, curtailing the areas and depriving the owners of the use thereof. (2.) That the said line of tramway has been closed to the owners of the blocks, depriving them of means of access to their lands. They pray, therefore, that a road my be constructed to afford them the necessary means of access, and to open up other Crown Lands in the vicinity. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th October, 1892.

No. 661, 1891, Sess. ll.—Petition, of John Swanston. Petitioner states that he was induced to emigrate to New Zealand with his family on the understanding that a grant of land would be made to him. Such grant has not been made, and he prays consideration. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make with reference to this petition. 6th October, 1892.

No. 683, 1891, Sess. ll.—Petition of Michael O'Donahue and 14 Others. Petitioners are deferred-payment settlers at Te Aroha, Auckland Provincial District, and pray for a revaluation of their lands. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition •should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th October, 1892.

No. 584.—Petition of Elizabeth Wade. Petitioner states that land taken up by her late husband on deferred payment has been forfeited through non-fulfilment of settlement conditions caused by her husband's illness, and, subsequently, death. Petitioner's husband paid £78 13s. in improvements, and she is now left totally unprovided for. She prays relief. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 7th October, 1892.

The Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act 1877 Amendment Bile (No. 2). The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that, not having sufficient evidence before them to enable a decision on the Bill to be arrived at this session, they have therefore no recommendation to make. 7th October, 1892. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,160 copies), £3 17s. 6d.

Price 6d.} By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB92.