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No. 422.—Petition of N. P. Hjorring and 103 Others. Petitioners pray that certain lands at Naseby may be vested in the Maniototo Jockey Club, and affirm their readiness, if necessary, to purchase the fee-simple of the said lands. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 6th September, 1892.

No. 316.—Petition of Coleman Phillips. The petitioner prays—(l) That the House will order the Wellington Land Board to rescind its resolution of forfeiture of the two Dry River-Makara sections ; (2) and will order Mr. W. W. McCardle to return to your petitioner, for the original applicants, the forfeited Puketoi sections which he, the said W. W. McCardle, purchased against petitioner's protest, or that the Board should return an equivalent for the forfeited sections; and (3) to further afford him such other relief as may seem meet. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report as follows: After hearing Mr. Phillips's statement and evidence called by him in support of his petition, your Committee is of opinion that it would not be justified in making any recommendation to the House of interference with the ordinary course of law. 15th September, 1892.

No. 216. —Petition of James Fleming and 537 Others. Petitioners are residents in the Boroughs of Cromwell and Alexandra, and pray that the cost of destroying rabbits on the Dunstan and Cromwell commonages may be defrayed by the Government, and that the commonages may disposed of by the Government, and that the implied agreement made in 1883 may not be disturbed. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition referred to the Government for consideration. 16th September, 1892.

The Otago School Commissioners' Empowering Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto as shown on the attached copy of the Bill. 16th September, 1892.

The Water-supply Act Amendment Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have considered the same, and beg to recommend that it be allowed to proceed, with the amendments thereto as shown on the attached copy of the Bill. 20th September, 1892.

No. 357. —Petition of William Hayward. Petitioner prays that a refund may be made him of £36 Native-land duty and £2 stamp duty, which he states he has been forced improperly to pay on certain lands purchased by him from the Natives. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 23rd September, 1892.

No. 227.—-Petition of J. P. Oakes (No. 1). Petitioner prays that a title may be given him to certain lands at Waipatuku Flat, Thames district,. Auckland, which he alleges were purchased by his late father about the year 1846. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 23rd September, 1892.

No. 228.—Petition of J. P. Oakes (No. 2). Petitioner alleges that about the year 1840 his late father purchased a block of land from the Natives, containing 12,000 acres, situated in the Coromandel district, Auckland, known as the Waiharakeke land, and that up to the time of his death was unable to complete his title. Petitioner now prays that a Crown grant may be issued him, or compensation granted in lieu thereof. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they are of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 23rd September, 1892.

No. 553.—Petition of Mary Ann Cannon. Petitioner prays that a title may be granted her for land given to her late husband for military services. The Waste Lands Committee have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to this petition. 23rd September, 1892.

The Land Boards' Election Bill. The Waste Lands Committee, to whom was referred the above Bill, have the honour to report that they have no recommendation to make in reference to the same. 23rd September, 1892. 2—l. 5.