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western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 106 and 107 to the westernmost corner of the said Section No. 107; thenco by a right line to the nearest point on the summit of the watershed between the Onamalutu and tho Kaituna Valleys ; thence by that watershed to the summit of the dividingrange between the Pelorus and Wairau Valleys; thence again towards the south-east by that summit to the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Marlborough and Nelson; thence by that boundary-line to a point due east of the south-eastern corner of Section No. 29, Gordon Survey District; thence again towards the south by a right line to that corner; thence by the southern boundary-line of the said Section No. 29 ; thence again towards the southwost generally by tho western boundary-line of Section No. 29 aforesaid and the summit of tho watershed to the northern corner of Section No. 9, Wai-iti Hill, Gordon Survey District; thenco by a right line to the north-eastern corner of Section No. 8, Pigeon Valley, Block X., Wai-iti Survey District; thenco by a right line to the northern corner of Section No. 104, Wai-iti Survey District; thence by that section to the Motueka River; thence by the left bank of the said Motueka River to the confluence of the Baton River with the said Motueka River; thence again towards the south .by a line due west to the summit of the Western Ranges ; thonce again towards the north-west generally by the summit of the Western Ranges to Mount Arthur ; thence by tho summit of the main range between the Takaka River and Tasman Bay to a point duo west of the south-western corner of Section No. 89, Kaiteritcri Survey District ; thence by a right line to that corner; thence by the said Section No. 89. and Sections Nos. 98, 200, 80, 79, and 81, Block VII., and Sections Nos. 92, 204, 11, and 12, Block VIII., Kaiteriteri Survey District, and by the road which forms the north-western boundary of Section No. 2 of 13 to the Otuwheroßiver; and thence by that river to Sandy Bay, the place of commencement: including D'Urville, Arapawa, The Brothers, and adjacent islands, and Rabbit Island. Wairau. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by the Waimea - Sounds Electoral District, hereinbefore described; towards the north-east by Cook Strait to Cape Campbell; thence towards the south-east by tho ocean to the Clarence River ; thence towards the south-west and again towards the south-oast and towards the south by the said Clarence River to its confluence with tho Acheron River ; thence towards the west generally the said Acheron River to its confluence with the Guide River ; and thonce by the last-named river to its source ; thence by a right line to Barefell Pass; thence by the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Nelson and Marlborough to the Waimea-Sounds Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Buller. This district is bounded towards the north-west and north by the ocean from the Buller River to the Cape Farewell lighthouse ; thence towards the north-east generally by Golden Bay and Tasman Bay to Sandy Bay ; thence towards the south-east generally and again towards the north by the Waimea-Sounds Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the confluence of the Baton River with the Motueka River ; thence towards the east generally by the said Motueka River to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 87, Block XIII., Wai-iti Survey District; thence by that bound-ary-line and its production to the summit of the dividingrange between the Tadmor River and the Motupiko River ; thence by the summit of that range to the source of the lefthand branch of the said Tadmor River; thence by a right line to the confluence of the Hope River with the Buller River; thenoe towards the south-west by a right line to Mount Owen ; thence again towards tho south-east by the summit of the watershed between the Mokihinui River and the Buller River and by the summit of the Lyel! Range to the Buller River, opposite the mouth of Little Deepdale Stream ; and thenco towards the south and again towards the southwest generally by the said Buller River to the ocean: including Adelo Island and adjacent islands, and the lighthouse at Cape Farewell. Inangahua. This district is bounded towards the north-west generally by tho Bullor Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from tho mouth of the Buller River to the confluence of the Baton River with the Motueka River; thence towards the northeast generally by the Waimea-Sounds Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the boundary-line between the Land Districts of Nelson and Marlborough ; thence towards the south-east by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Tophouse; thence by the summit of the St. Arnaud Range, the summit of the Spencer Range, and the summit of the main range leading to the saddle between the north branch of the Hurunui River and the Teremakau River; thence towards the south-west generally by a right line drawn in the direction of the outflow of the Arnold

River from Lake Brunnet as far as the summit of the Werner Range ; thence by the summit of the dividing-range between the Haupiri River and the Waikiti Creek, and the summit of the dividing-range between the said Haupiri River and the Ahaura River to the confluence of the said Haupiri River with the Ahaura River; thence by the right bank of the said Ahaura River to the road at the north-western boundary of Section No. 71, Mawheranui Survey District; thence by that road and its continuation, passing Sections Nos. 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, and 81 of the said survey district, and proceeding to Callaghan's Creek; thence by that Creek to its confluence with the Grey River ; thence by a right line across the said Grey River to the foot of the spur leading to the watershed between Blackball Creek and Moonlight Creek ; thence by that spur and the summit of the watershed between the two last-mentioned creeks to the summit of the Paparoa Range ; thence by the summit of the said Paparoa Range to a point opposite to tho source of the Pororari River (Razorback); thence by a right line to the said source ; and thence by tho said Pororari River to the ocean; and thence towards the west and north by the ocean to the Bullor Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Grey. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by the Inangahua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean to the saddle between the sources of the north branch of the Hurunui River and the Teremakau River; towards tho south generally by a right line from the said saddle to the source of the last-named river ; thence by the said Teremakau River to the ocean ; and thence towards the west by the ocean to the Inangahua Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Westland. This district is bounded towards the north-east and towards the north by the Grey Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from the ocean to tho saddle between tho north branch of the Hurunui River and the Teremakau River; thence towards the south-east by the summit of the Southern Alps to Mount Aspiring ; thence towards the south-west by a right line to tho mouth of tho Awarua River in Big Bay; and thence towards the north-west by the ocean to the Grey Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Ashley. This district is bounded towards the north-east and northwest generally by the Wairau Electoral District, hereinbefore described, from Tophouse to the mouth of the Clarence River; thenoe towards the south-east by the ocean to the Ashley River ; thence towards the south by the said Ashley River to the road which intersects Section No. 26498, Block 1., Mairaki Survey District, and proceeds across the Ashley River; thence again towards tho south-east generally by that road and it continuation, passing Section No. 32764, Block IV,, Oxford Survey District, intersecting Section No. 23244, and passing Section No. 21713, intersecting Section No. 5271, and passing Sections Nos. 20778, 10836, 6474, 6883, 7303, 5957, and 5333 to Section No. 2653, Block VIII., Oxford Survey District; thence by the road intersecting the last-mentioned section and its continuation to High Street; thence by High Street to the Oxford and Rangiora Railwaylino ; thence by that railway-line and tho Oxford and Sheffield Railway-line to the Waimakariri River ; thence towards the south-west and west by that river to a line formerly known as the northern boundary-line of Run No. 270; thonce towards the north by that boundary-line (county boundary) to the summit of tho Puketirako Range ; thence again towards the north-west by the summit of that range to Ashley Head; thence again towards the south-west by the summit of the range leading over Esk Head and Snowy Peak to the source of the south branch oj the Hurunui River; thence again towards the south by a line due west to the summit of the Southern Alps; thence again towards the north-west by the Westland Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and tho Inangahua Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to the Wairau Electoral District aforesaid at Tophouso, the place of commencement. Kaiapoi. This district is bounded towards the north by the Ashley Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; towards the east by Pegasus Bay to the mouth of the Waimakariri River; thence towards the south and towards the south-oast generally by the said Waimakariri River and its south branch to a point due east of the south-eastern corner of Section No. 560, Block 111., Christchurch Survey District; thence towards the south by a right line to the said south-eastern corner; thence by the road which forms the southern boundary of that section ; thence towards the south-west by the road which forms the south-western boundary of the said Section No. 560 and the south-western boundary of Section No. 738 of the said Block 111. to the road whicii forms the southern boundary of Section No. 876; thence again towards