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dary of Horowhenua County) to the Manawatu River; thence towards the south generally by the said Manawatu River to its confluence with the Oroua River; thence towards the west by the said Oroua River to the road leading from Sandon to Palmerston ; thence by that road to the road which forms the eastern boundary of Section No. 64, Block XVI., Rangitoto Survey District; thence by that road and its continuation passing Sections Nos. 63, 61, 60, 59, 75, and 73 of the said Block XVI., and passing Sections Nos. 108,106, 102, and 101, Block XII., Rangitoto Survey District, to the Rangitikei Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement. Otaki. This district is bounded towards the north-east generally by tho Palmerston Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; towards tho south-cast by the Masterton Electoral District, hereinbefore described, and the Wairarapa Electoral District, hereinbefore described, to Cape Turakirae; thence towards tho south-west by Cook Strait; towards the west generally by Port Nicholson to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 20, Lowry Bay; thenoe by the northern boundary-lino of that section, and tho northern boundaryline of Section No. 21, and by Sections Nos. 77, 76, 240, 239, 238, 19, 23, 27, and 225 to the southern boundary-line of that portion of Section No. 34, Hutt, containing 41 acres; thence by the said southern boundary-lino to its production to Section No. 33; thence by the eastern, southern, and western boundary-linos of that section, and the western boundary-lines of Sections Nos. 36 and 39, Hutt, and the northern boundary-line of the last-mentioned section to the south-eastern corner of Subdivision No. 1 of Section No. 47, Hutt; thenoe by a right line to the road which forms the southern boundary-lino of Subdivision No. 5 of the said Section No. .47 ; .thence by lines so as to include Subdivisions Nos. 5, 6, and 6a of Section No. 47 aforesaid to Section No. 50 ; thence by the southern boundary-line of the said Section No. 50 and tho eastern and southern boundary-lines of Section No. 49 to the Hutt River ; thence by that river to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 51, Hutt; thence by that section to the road near its north-western corner; thence by that road and its continuation through Sections Nos. 425, 203, 428, 431, 336, 435, 434, 433, and 436, Hutt, to Section No. 57, Pahautanui; thence by the said Section No. 436, and Sections Nos. 432, 351, 349, and 348, Hutt, Section No. 35, Horokiwi, Section No. 39, Tukapu, Sections Nos. 3 and 4, Pahautanui, and Section No. 91, Porirua, to Porirua Harbour ; thence towards the south generally by that harbour to the ocean ; towards the west generally by tho ocean to the Rangitikei Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; and towards the north-west and again towards the north-cast by the said Rangitikei Electoral District to tho Palmerston Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement: including Kapiti Island. City of Wellington. This district is bounded by a line commencing at a point where the north-eastern boundary of the land granted by deed on the 18th October, 1855, to the Superintendent of the Province of Wellington, joins the Hutt Road, and proceeding thence along the said road to a point due east of the north-eastern corner of the Native Reserve which lies immediately to the northward of Town Section No. 658, City of Wellington; thenoe across the Hutt Road to the northeastern corner of the said reserve ; thence along the northern boundary of the said reserve and along the northern boundary of the Town Belt in the Tinakori District to the northern extremity of the western boundary thereof; thence along tho western boundary to a Native reserve; thenco along the north-eastern boundary of the said reserve to Grant Road; thence along the southern side of Boundary Road to Tinakori Road ; thence across the Tinakori Road to the eastern side thereof; thence by Tinakori Road and Karori Road to the western boundary of the Botanical Reserve; thenoe to the north-western corner of Section No. 28, Karori District; thence along the northern boundary of said Section No. 28 to the boundary of the City Reserves in the Terrace District; thence southerly along the western boundaries of the reserves in the said district to the south-eastern corner of the said Section No. 28 ; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said Section No. 28 to the north-western corner of Section No. 11 of the City Roserves ; thence southerly along the western boundary of the City Reserves; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section No. 11, Ohiro, to the western side of Epuni Street; thence across Epuni Street; thence southerly along the eastern side of that street to the northern boundary-line of Section No. 12, Ohiro District; thenoe along tho northern and eastern boundaries of that section and the eastern boundaries of Sections Nos. 15,18, and 20 to Section No. 5, Town District; thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the said Section No. 5 and the northern boundary of Section No. 2 to Section No. 6, Evans Bay District; thence northerly along the western boundaries of Sections Nos. 6,5,4,


3, 2, and 1, Evans Bay District to Lambton Harbour ; thence along the shoro of that harbour to the eastern boundary of the land granted to the Corporation of the City of Wellington on the 24th June, 1874; thence along the said eastern boundary and along tho seaward boundary of the said land to the eastern boundary of the land granted to the Superintendent of Wellington on the 18th October, 1855 ; and thence northerly along the seaward boundary of the last-mentioned land to the commencing-point. Wellington Suburbs. This district is bounded towards the east generally by the Otaki Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; towards the south and south-east generally by Port Nicholson to the City of Wellington Electoral District, hereinbefore described; thence again towards the east, and towards the north and west generally by tho said City of Wellington Electoral District to Lambton Harbour ; thence again towards the north generally by Lambton Harbour and Evans Bay to Point Halswell; thence again towards tho east generally by Port Nicholson to Palmer Head; and towards the south and the north-west generally by the ocean to the Otaki Electoral District aforesaid, the place of commencement; including the islands of Somes and Mana.

Middle Island Electoral Districts. City of Nelson. This district is bounded towards the north-east by a right line proceeding from the lighthouse on the Boulder Bank in tjie direction of the south-western corner of Section No. 1, Suburban North, as far as low-water mark of Tasman Bay ; thence towards the north-wost generally by Tasman Bay and Croisellcs Harbour to a point due west of the westernmost point of Elaine Bay, Tennyson Inlet; thence towards the north by a line due east to that inlet; thence towards the south-east generally by tho boundary-line between tho Land Districts of Nelson and Marlborough to the southern boun-dary-line of Square 18; thence towards the south by a line running due west until it is intersected by a right lino bearing S. 45° W. from a point about two miles distant from the north-eastern corner of Section No. xviii., Suburban North, and in line with the north-eastern boundary-line of the said Section No. xviii. ; thence again towards the south-cast by a right line bearing S. 45° W. until it intersects the River Lee ; thence towards the west generally by the said River Lee to its confluence with the River Roding; thence by the latter river to its confluence with the River Wairoa, and thence by the last-mentioned river to the eastern boundaryline of Section No. 3, Square 44, Block XIII., Waimca Survey District; thenco by the said Section No. 3, and Sections Nos. 2 and 5, Square 44, and Sections Nos. 137 and 120, Square 1, of the said Block XIII., and by the south-western side of the road which forms the south-western boundaries of Sections Nos. 54 and 53, Square 2, Block IX., Waimoa Survey District, and by the south-westorn side of tho said road produced to the Nelson-Belgrove Rail way-line ; thence by that railway-lino to the right bank of the said Wairoa River ; thence by that river to the River Waimea ; and thence by the said River Waimea to Tasman Bay ; and thence again towards the north-east and the north-west by Tasman Bay and the seaward boundary of the Boulder Bank to a point in line with a right line drawn from the lighthouse on the Boulder Bank, in the direction of the south-western corner of Section No. 1, Suburban North; and thence again towards the north-east by a right line to the said lighthouse : including Saxton's Island, Oyster Island, and Fifeshire Island. Waimea- Soimds. This district is bounded towards the north-east by Tasman Bay from Sandy Bay to the City of Nelson Electoral District, hereinbefore described ; thence towards the east, north, north-west, and south by the said City of Nelson Electoral District to Croiselles Harbour; thence again towards the north-west by Tasman Bay; again towards the north-east and towards the south-east by Cook Strait to the southernmost point of White's Bay; thence towards the west generally by a line bearing N. 45° W. to the summit of the watershed between Cloudy Bay and Waitohi Valley ; thence by that watershed to the north-eastern boundary-line of the Waikawa Native Reserve, and by that boundary-line to Queen Charlotte Sound ; thence again towards the south generally by the southern shores of that sound to the deepwater landing-place at The Grove ; thence again towards the north-east by a line bearing S. 60° E. to the dividing-rango between the Kaituna and Mahakipawa and Waitohi Valleys ; thence again towards the south-east generally by the summit of that range to a point near the source of the Waikakaho Stream ; thenoe by a right line to the source of that stream ; and thence by the said Waikakaho Stream to the Wairau River ; then by the said Wairau River to Hannam's Creek; thence again towards the south generally by that creek to the south-western corner of Section No. 106, Block XII., Onamalutu Survey District; thence by the south-