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Number of Engines and Vehicles unfit for Use, or Obsolete, on 31st March, 1889, and 31st March,. 1892 the Total Amount expended on Boiling-stock (exclusive of Bepairs) during the Period referred to. No stock is unfit for use other than what is in the shops for repair or renewal. Many of theengines, carriages, and wagons, although not obsolete, are of an unsuitable pattern, and have been undergoing replacement for some years. None are laid aside without being replaced. There is no means of ascertaining the amount expended on improvements of rolling-stock, apart from repairs and renewals. A wagon originally designed to carry 4 tons, requiring renewal, is converted into a more useful type which carries 6 tons, but it could not be stated how the cost of improvements and repairs should be relatively divided. The one hundred 5-ton wagons sold to the Western Australian Government were renewed by one hundred 6-ton wagons, giving an increased capacity of 20 per cent.,. but the value of the improvement was more than this, though it could not be stated apart from the value of renewals. In the same way, engines are rebuilt better suited to the conditions of traffic, giving greater aggregate power than those dispensed with , but the cost of improvements and renewals cannot be separated. Again, in dealing with carriage stock, the practice has been to convert the original 4- and 6-wheel carriages into bogie stock, by splicing or adding to. In every instance the seating-accommodation has been increased, and more convenient and substantial vehicles have taken the place of the old stock. The addition to the value and accommodation has been very large, but there is no means of defining separately the expenditure assignable to renewals and to additions or improvements.

Part II. The Numbers and Descriptions of Engines and Vehicles purchased or built, the Vote or Fund to which the Cost of the Same was charged and the Sections of Railway on which they are in Use.

The Numbers and Descriptions of all Glasses of Boiling-stock and Engines sold, broken up or used up, laid aside as obsolete or useless or otherwise disposed of during the Same Period the amount derived from the Sale or Disposal of the Same and the Account, Vote, or Fund to which the Proceeds of the Sale or Disposal of the Same have been credited. This return is not susceptible of any complete answer Locomotives and other vehicles come in for repairs or renewals of every degree. These may be partially repaired, altered into new types, or portions may be used up to repair or rebuild other stock, or in some cases entirely new stock may be built, the old materials and parts may be sold along with other material, or may be put into other work sold outside the department, and there can be no possibility of tracing the exact value derived from the sale, disposal, or use of the same. All expenditures incurred in the shops are charged against the vote for Working Eailways Department, Schedule B, Consolidated Fund Account, in the " Appropriation Act, " and all recoveries, whether on account of materials, or work done, are credited to this vote in pursuance of the " Public Eevenues Act." Jambs McKeeeow, J P Maxwell, W M. Hannay, 3rd August, 1892. Baiiway Commissioners.


New Stock provided out of Loan from 31st is in addition to that Harch, 1889, to 31st March, 1892. This shown en Part I. Description. Number, 31st March, 1892. Section of Railway. In Traffic. On Hand and in Transit. Locomotive Wagons 1 13 9 24 19 '89 26 Wellington. Hurunui—Bluff. Wellington and Napier-Taranaki. Westport. » 47 84 Public Works Fund, £12,644 4s. 6d., 3s. 6d Westport Harbour Board, £5,570 9s. total, £18,214