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Iletum to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 7th July, 1892. Ordered, " That a return be laid before this House showing the total quantity of the several descriptions of rolling-stock on each section of the New Zealand railways at eacli of the following dates : viz., Ist January, 1889, and 30th June, 1892 such return to show the number of engines and vehicles on each section (a) actually in use for traffic, (b) in shops, undergoing repairs, and (c) unfit for use or obsolete ; the total amount expended on rollingstock (exclusive of repairs) during the period referred to the numbers and descriptions of engines and vehicles purchased or built; the vote or fund to which the cost of the same was charged , and the sections of railway on which they are in use : the return to also show the numbers and descriptions of all classes of rolling-stock and engines sold, broken up or used up, laid aside as obsolete or useless, or otherwise disposed of during the same period, the amount derived from the sale or disposal of the same, and the account, vote, or fund to which the proceeds of the sale or disposal of the same have been credited."—(Mr. Sandpobd.)

The return cannot be rendered for the precise dates named, because accounts and stocktaking, &c, are finally dealt with at the end of each financial year, and cannot now be made up for other past dates. The return, therefore, has been made out for the financial years from 31st March, 1889 (when the Commissioners were in office , to 31st March, 1892, the date of the last balance. The total cost of repairs and improvements on the locomotives and stock, shown in Part I. of this return, during the three years has been £340,126. All this expenditure has been charged against vote, Working Eailways Department," Schedule B, Consolidated Fund. The total value of additional new stock put on the railways and in hand, provided out of loan, shown in Part 11. of the return, was £18,214 13s. 6d.

Part I.

< 'Section. Particulars. j> 1 1 I I w>g\3 '3 "3 o 2 o o s> a o o o s Totals. O» Sls£ March, 1889 Total number of engines Total number of vehicles Number of engines and vehicles actually in use for traffic— Engines Vehicles .. Number of engines and vehicles in shops undergoing repairs— Engines Vehicles 3 88 1 87 3 104 1 103 36 942 15 921 73 1,682 31 1,605 139 5,129 75 4,980 5 330 2 315 6 253 3 248 4 72 2 72 3 68 1 67 272 8,668 131 8,398 Nil 1 1 1 5 21 .18 77 22 149 1 15 1 5 Nil Nil 1 1 49 270 On 31st March, 1892. Total number of engines Total number of vehicles Number of engines and vehicles actually in use for traffic— Engines Vehicles Number of engines and vehicles in shops undergoing repairs— Engines Vehicles 3 88 1 84 2 104 1 104 32 932 16 883 71 1,698 31 1,629 139 5,137 77 5,001 5 330 2 322 6 258 3 255 4 71 2 71 3 83 1 79 265 8,701 134 8,428 Nil 4 Nil Nil 4 49 19 69 24 136 2 8 2 3 1 Nil 1 4 53 273