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Appendix D. Estimated energy developed by Daily Ration when oxidized in the body

N.B.—The meat supplied to soldiers is fatter than prime meat, and therefore shows somewhat higher in energy developed per ounce. The above Seaoliff dietaries do not include—(l.) Bread, butter, sugar, and coffee on dance and entertainment nights ; (2.) Eggs, sago, and rice for sick patients ; (3.) Currants and raisins.

Appendix L. The Supeeintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Seaeliff, to the Inspector-Genebal of Asylums, Wellington. Ec Building and Improvements. Sib,— Seaeliff, 7th July, 1890. 1. Workshops. —These are nearly finished. The carpenter, painter, and plumber are working in their respective shops. 2. Farm-buildings. —The piles are sunk, and the carpenters will commence building this week. All the material will come in very handily, and we shall have an excellent steading providing ample accommodation. 3. Drainage Alterations. —These have been further simplified, and we expect to have the work nearly finished by the end of the month. 4. Ventilation. —Owing to other more urgent matters we have been unable to effect much in this direction. Eadical improvements are needed throughount the building, but Ido not purpose asking for any special vote at present. Probably £50 for material in the near future will cover our more pressing requirements. 5. Heating. —This matter is very pressing, and is my main reason for writing. From our conversations upon this subject I know that you concur with me in the view that reasonable provisions for warming are urgently called for. The hopes which I expressed at your last visit of being able to effect the heating of a few rooms by hot-pipes before midwinter have not been fulfilled. The influenza epidemic and the work at the Exhibition Buildings severely handicapped us. Now, however, we have several good plumbers here, and I trust you will sanction the carrying out of the following works which appear to me absolutely necessary : (a.) The heating by steam-pipes of twenty-two single rooms on the female side ; seventeen of these rooms are wooden, and during the winter they are bitterly cold. Further, they are strong rooms occupied by patients who frequently have attacks, during which they are wet and dirty, and cannot be induced to remain in bed or to wear anything except canvas garments ; the other five rooms are intended to serve for classifying the more recent acute and favourable cases from the chronics—a hospital ward, in fact. I thought at first that steam from the central boiler beside the bakehouse might be economically used, but both the plumber and engineer have brought conclusive arguments against this, and we have decided that the best plan will be to place a saddle boiler similar to the one we have in the greenhouse, only somewhat larger, in the basement of the new north addition. Four-inch iron piping would be carried from this to the rooms which are on the fiat above, as shown in rough diagrammatic sketch enclosed. As to further details the sketch will explain itself, and I need merely mention that we have arranged matters so that no hopeful patients need ever come into contact with the chronics. If it weresmerely as a precaution against fire I consider that we should be justified in expending a considerable sum in warming these rooms. At present bedrooms can only be.warmed by having fires in rooms provided with fire-guards. The guards we have are, unfortunately, insecure, and only last week a woman managed by shaking the door to slip the lock and then crept inside. She was fortunately discovered in time, but her clothes were burned nearly to.

Sei .cliff Original. Seacliff Modified. Eni ;lish Asylums. English So! Idier. Ounces per diem. Foottons per Ounce. Total Foottons. Ounces Foot- Total per tons per Footdiem. Ounce. tons. Dunces per diem. Foot- I Total jons per FootOunce tons. Ounces Footper tons per diem. Ounce. Total Foottons. Meat (boned) Extra gelatine Bread Potatoes(peeled) .. Vegetables (average) Sugar New milk Bkirnmed milk Butter-milk Datmeal Bice Barley Peas Butter rreacle Dheese ., Flour Beer Extras—Bread Cheese Beer 8-5 53 450-5 6-07 •1 14-71 15-86 5-61 1-61 5 8-57 2 3 53 150 87-5 33 15 126-4 26-9 20-4 17-9 130 321-71 1 15 1,287-12 ; 523-38 84-15 203-5 ; 134-5 I 174-82 35-8 390 4-43 53 234-79 9-6 C7-8 554-88 18-28 5-36 3-43 1-25 87-5 33 15 126-4 1,599-5 176-88 51-45 158 16 7-14 1-61 1 4-79 87-5 33 15 126-4 26-9 1,400 235-62 24-15 126-4 128-85 24 16 8 1-33 3-25 87-5 33 13 126-4 26-9 2,100 528 104 168-11 87-42 8 2 1.07 20-4 17-9 130 163-2 35-8 139-1 •57 •29 •79 •25 125 118-9 344-5 102-3 71-25 34-48 272-15 25-57 125 118-9 344-5 102-3 149-9 123-6 ■4 126*5 50-6 •57 | -86 I -62 •21 ■04 1-71 i 71-25 102-25 ! 213-59 21-48 6 211-36 ■91 344-5 313-49 1-43 123-6 176-74 ■03 •96 3-71 1-29 ■43 4-2 149-9 123-6 20 87-5 149-9 20 4-5 118-65 74-2 112-87 64-4G 84 •■ I • • .. Foot-tons.. 3,542 3,355 3,796 2,973