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APPENDIX. [It has been thought unnecessary to print all the Aqpendioes to the Keport.]

APPENDIX C. Comparative Statement of Food consumed in Lunatic Asylums by each Patient Weekly. Averages.

Cereals in above Dietaries calculated in terms of Bread.


6 ■I I 4 1 a) o 1 i 4 \ i I 1 1 : s M 13 1 o 1 ! . Seacliff. Dietary before modification. Ounces Carbon Nitrogen 70 6,961'. 690 128 15,800 704 37-5 1,796 51 24 654 20 8-75 1,612 56 1,533 150 14 339 38-5 7-5 1,327 64 •5 Dietary after modification. Ounces Carbon Nitrogen 51 4,97: 49: •7 151 56 103 12,714 566 111 5,321 152 39-3 1,056 32 11-3 2,011 35 (l,310 96 60 1,642 161 14 339 38-5 21'06 3,727 179 i-5 England. 50 2,400 68 11-3 303 9 7 1,293 33.5 1,250 92 2-8 475 12 Ounces Carbon Nitrogen a 3,62' 35! 1-3 14, .21 136 >66 i-5 'A 1 « 3 6 O E •a P "cs n o H i ejj Eh Seaoliff. 'ietary before modification. Ounces Carbon Nitrogen 4 665 23 2 337 31 1,700 1-75 261 10 1,688 73 1-75* 1.5 34^673 1,844 4,953 263 'ietary after modification. Ounces Carbon Nitrogen 4 6C5 23 6 1,012 98 4-4 1,253 1-5 224 •3 65 6 12 2,025 87 l-63f 2-2 38,487 1,982 5,498 283 England. 6-4 1,834 3-2 672 61 6-7 1,180 48 56 958 1 1-05 Ounces Carbon Nitrogen 28,878 1,317 4,125 1S8 * Chinei ie. + Heylon.

Bread, Oatmeal. Barley. Flour. Total Weekly. Total Daily. Seacliff. Before modification. Dunces.. 3arbon.. Nitrogen 128 15,800 704 18 1,688 73 j 157 19,480 864 11 1,327 64 5 665 23 22-3 2,783 109 After modification. Dunces.. 3arbon.. Nitrogen . .. England. 103 12,714 566 30 3,727 179 5 665 23 16 2,025 87 154 19,131 855 22 2,783 108 Dunces.. Carbon.. Nitrogen 121 14,936 666 9 1,130 48 i 130 16,066 714 18-4 2,295 102 'In