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15. Mokomoko.—Died in 1844; was a son of Karetai, one of the principal owners; had no issue ; left a brother and sister, viz., Tinioti Karetai and Bipeka Karetai. 16. Te Ao.—Died in 1857; was also a son of Karetai; left issue one daughter, Erihapeti te Koaki. 17. Koroko Karetai.—Died in 1879 ; he was also a son of Karetai; left issue two sons and one daughter, viz., (m) Henara Karetai, (m) Eenata Karetai, (/) Mere Karetai. 18. Tutewaiao.—Died in 1848; left no issue; his nearest of kin are Kihau's grandchildren, Pitoko's children and grandchildren, Bum's children and grandchildren. 19. Papakawa.—Died in 1844 ; had no issue ; left a number of relatives. 20. Te Haki.— Vide Schedule D. 21. Eakiwakana.— Vide Schedule D. 22. Te Eaki (No. 2). —Died in 1862; had a small interest near the mouth of the Molyneux; left a number of relatives, viz., Maka Makomako, Hoani Hape and others, Oriwia Paratene, Jack Connor, and Annie Sherburd. 23. Potiki.—Died in 1880; left two sons, Ihaia Potiki and Henare Potiki. 24. Pohata.—Died in 1848; left no issue; the nearest of kin are Kihau's grandchildren, Pitoko's children and grandchildren, Buru's children and grandchildren. 25. Pokihi.— Vide Schedule D. 26. Pokene.— Vide Schedule D.

Enclosure 4 in No. 2. SCHEDULE D. List of Names of Persons attached to the Otago Deed of the 31st July, 1844, who were objected to at the Inquiry held at Otago Heads on the 4th March, 1891, for the reasons set forth in the particulars after their respective .Names. Koroko.—Died at Waikouaiti in 1853. It was claimed by Taiaroa that the name was intended for Hoani Wetere Koroko, but all the evidence taken went to show that it was a person named Korokonui who signed the deed, Hoani Wetere Koroko being ill at Waikouaiti at the time. Hoani Wetere Koroko also stated before the Native Affairs Committee, in reply to Mr. Sheehan, " The name Koroko attached to the deed is not mine, but that of old Koroko " (vide page 12, Parliamentary Paper H.-9, 1872). It was stated in evidence by several persons that old Koroko was not an owner of the Otago Block, but had been invited by Taiaroa and Karetai to be present at the sale of the land and receive a share of the money, in return for a present made to them by him, which they had been unable to repay. He left issue four grandchildren, viz., Mata Pi, Kairimu, Tioi Anaha, and Horomona Anaha. Kaikoareare.—Died at Otago in 1852. It was stated in evidence that Kaikoareare was not an owner of the Otago Block ; he belonged to Kaiapoi and Arowhenua, and had a small cultivation near Hay ward's Point at the time the land was sold. He was paid a small sum by Taiaroa and Karetai in compensation for losing his cultivation. This was the only reason why he was allowed to take part in the proceedings. He left issue several nephews and neices, viz., Kahu's family, and grandchildren, Irihapeti Motoitoi, Bipeka Tutu. Pohio.—This is not a separate name but forms part of the person's name immediately above it on the deed. The name should have been Horomona Pohio. Kahuti.—Died at Waikouaiti in 1881 ; was not an owner ; had been allowed to cultivate a small parcel of land near Sandy Mount, and received a share of the purchase-money for that reason ; left issue three children, viz., Katarina Hape, Hone Kerei Kahuti, Irihapeti Earakatu. ' Kurukuru.—Died at Waikouaiti in 1874; was not an owner ; came to live with Kahuti and others near Sandy Mount; left issue one nephew and two nieces, viz., Eawiri Taukoro, Meri Taukoro, Katarina Turora. Te Haki. —It was stated by several witnesses, and there seems no reason for doubting their credibility, that Te Haki was another name for Horomona Pohio, who was sometimes called Horomona te Haki, because he had married the daughter of a woman named Te Haki. Eakiwakana.—Died in 1859. It was stated in evidence that this person belonged to Te Taumutu, and was not an owner of the Otago Block ; no reason is assigned for his taking part in the cession of the block; left several cousins, viz., (/) Pirihira Tihau, (/) Harata and (m) Tiaki Eapatini, (m) Maopa and (/) Biria, (m) Tohi te Marama. Pokihi.—Died in 1848 ; was not an owner of the Otago Block ; his name was attached to the deed by Taiaroa, sen., but the reason for doing so is not known. The nearest of kin are two grandnephews and one grandniece, viz., (ra) Wharekawa, (m) Hikipene Pohau, (/) Mata. Pokene.—Died in 1861; was not an owner of the Otago Block; left issue one grandson, Harry West.