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Enclosure 2 in No. 2. SCHEDULE B. Schedule of Beserves set apart for Native Purposes in the South Island within the original Provinces of Canterbury and Otago. Kemp's Purchase. Original Reserves — a. k. p. a. h. r. a. c. p. Canterbury Province ... ... 3,869 1 0 County of Westland ... ... 5,937 116 Otago Province ... ... 4,399 316 14,146 1 32 Awarded by the Native Land Court — Canterbury Province ... ... 2,478 0 0 Otago Province ... ... 1,987 3 4 4,465 3 4 Added to Kaiapoi lands in compensation for quantity granted out of that reserve to other Natives, inclusive of 200 acres added for inferior land in awards of the Court ... ... ... 3,100 0 0 21,712 0 36 Port Cooper Purchase ... ... ... ... ... 859 0 0 Port Levy Purchase ... ... ... ... ... 1,361 0 0 Hamilton's Purchase ... ... ... ... ... 1,298 0 0 Murihiku Purchase ... ... ... ... ... 4,588 0 0 Otakou Purchase ... ... ... ... ... 9,615 112 " 39,433 2 8 Note. —The reserves included in the Arahura and Otakou Blocks, computing a total of 15,552 acres 2 roods 28 perches, ought to be deducted from the gross total of 39,433 acres 2 roods 8 perches, as these lands were set apart under special circumstances, and do not properly pertain to the class of reserves included in the foregoing return. A. R. P. This will reduce the quantity to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,880 320 To this should be added the following quantities : — Land set apart for half-castes under the several Acts passed on a. b. v. their behalf .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,041 0 0 Extra land set apart in the Little River District .. .. 298 0 0 Set apart under the Taumutu Commonage Act .. .. .. 700 0 0 5,039 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,919 320 The Taumutu land is only tit for graziug-purposes, and is liable to be frequently submerged by Lake Ellesmerc. The lands set apart as fishery-easements by the Native Laud Court in 1868 aro not included in the foregoing return, as those lands arc not intended for cultivation, but merely as camping-grounds for the Natives.

Enclosure S in No. 2. SCHEDULE C. List of Names of Persons attached to the Otago Deed of the 31st July, 1844, who were admitted to be Owners at the Inquiry held at Otago Heads on the 4th March, 1891. 1. John Tuhawaiki. —Died in 1844; was one of the principal owners of the southern end of tlie Otago Block; left issue four great grandchildren, viz., (m) Teone Kihau, (/) Peti Kihau, (/) Keita Kihau, (/) Anna Maraea Cooper. 2. Taiaroa. —Died in 1863 ; was one of the principal owners of the Otago Block; left issue one grandson and one great granddaughter, viz., (m) H. K. Taiaroa, (/') Hana Weller (Mrs. Ellison). 3. Karetai.—Died in 1860; was one of the principal owners of the Otago Block; left issue one granddaughter and three great grandchildren, viz., (/) Erihapeti te Koaki, (m) Henare Koroko Karetai, (/) Mere Koroko Karetai, (w) Beneta Koroko Karetai. 4. Koroko. — Vide Schedule D. 5. Kaikoareare. — Vide Schedule 1). 6. Takamaitu. —Died in 1849 ; had no issue; the nearest of kin are Matiu te Hu and Koriaua Edwards. 7. Te Baki.—Died in 1854 ; was a cousin of Taiaroa, sen., and an owner in the Otago Block; the nearest of kin are H. K. Taiaroa and Hana Weller (Mrs. Ellison). 8. Topi.—Living ; usually known as Teone Topi or Topi Patuki. 9. Kihau. —Died in 1852; was an owner, with his father, John Tuhawaiki, in the southern end of the block; left issue four grandchildren, viz., (m) Teone Kihau, (/) Peti Kihau, (/) Keita Kihau, (/) Anna Maraea Cooper. 10. Horomona. —Died in March, 1881 ; was also known as Horomona Pohio and Horomona te Haki; left issue several sons and daughters. 11. Pohio.— Vide Schedule D. 12. Pohau. —Died at Tatunutu in 1880 ; was a brother of Hoani Wetere Koroko; left one child named Tutu (Biria Paro). 13. Kaliuti.— Vide Schedule D. 14. Kurukuru.— Vide Schedule D. 2— G. 7.