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2. Give the date, the names of the combatants, and the results of each of the following battles : Ethandun, Hastings, Bannockburn, Crecy, Bosworth. 3. Show from the reigns of James the First and Charles the First how the Civil War became a necessity? 4. Give an account of Cromwell's administration as Protector. 5. Sketch the character of James the Second and the history of his reign, 6. How did the British dominions increase during the eighteenth century? 7. Compare the characters of the first three Georges. 8. Give an account of the military and political career of Wellington. 9. Show how the Eeform Bill and the Catholic Emancipation Bill came to be passed, and give their purport. 10. What do you know of Arabella Stuart, Laud, Monk, Titus Gates, Wolfe, Burke ?

History.—Optional for Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. (Candidates are expected to attempt all the Questions.) 1. What religious difficulties troubled England between 1688 and the death of Anne, and how did the Government meet them ? 2. Compare the union of England and Scotland with that of England and Ireland as regards preliminaries and results. 3. Describe and account for the attitude of the heir-apparent towards the King and Government during the reigns of the first three Georges. 4. Give a brief history of the struggle for the freedom of the Press between 1688 and 1837. 5. How did Germany affect the history of England during the eighteenth century? 6. What part did Burke play in the politics of his day ? Give a brief account of his speeches and writings, and show how they can be used to throw light upon history. 7. Why did reform come so late in the history of England as 1832, and how far did the Eeform Bill fulfil the expectations of its advocates ? 8. How did the condition of labourers and the poor change between 1688 and 1837, and what movements arose from it ? 9. What place in English history does each of the following take ?— (a) Schomberg, (6) Peterborough, (o) Derwentwater, (d) Anson, (c) Lord George Gordon, (/) William Cobbett. 10. What do you know of— (a) Queen Anne's Bounty, (b) Reform of the Calendar, (c) Battle of Camperdown, ($) Berlin Decree, (c) United Irishmen, (/) Cato Street Conspiracy?

Latin. — Optional for Glass D, and for Junior and Senior Civil Service. Time allowed: 3 hours. 1. Give the perfects (first person singular indicative only), the infinitives, and supines, if any, of— rideo, spargo, aufero, video, haereo, reor, sequor, ordior. 2. Give the Latin numerals, cardinal, ordinal, and distributive, and the numeral adverbs from one to ten. Express in Latin— On the side of the Romans ten thousand men were killed. He gave the soldiers four hundred sesterces a-piece. They promised to furnish daily one hundred modii of corn. 3. Explain the use of num and an, (1) in direct, (2) in indirect questions. Frame instances. Explain the use of no in direct prohibitions in the second person. Erame instances. 4. Translate into Latin — (1.) As soon as the people of the town saw what had happened, hoping that aid was at hand, they seized their arms, shut the gates, and hastily manned the walls. (2.) The chief of the barbarians then delivered a short address to his followers, [reminding them] that if they gained the victory there was an end at once to all their dangers and sufferings, but that, if they allowed themselves to be defeated, not only they but their wives and children would come into the power of most cruel and treacherous enemies. (3.) Age does not hinder us from cultivating literature. I am afraid you will not be able to accomplish all that you propose. He asked whether those things were true or not. Every one must use his own judgment. 5. Translate into English— Quid igitur ? Marcone Crasso putas utile fuisse, turn cum rnaximis opibus fortunisque florebat, scire sibi, interfecto Publio filio exercituque deleto, trans Euphratem cum ignominia et dedecore esse pereundum? An Cn. Pornpeium censes, tribus suis consulatibus, tribus iriumphis, maximarum rerum gloria, laetaturum fuisse, si sciret se in solitudine Aegyptiorum trucidatum iri amisso exercitu; post mortem vero ea consecutura quae sine lacrimis non possumus dicere ? Explain and illustrate the expression utile fuisse. Explain the use of the ablative in tribus suis consulatibus, &c. Explain the meaning of the imperfect tense in si sciret.

French. — Optional for Glass D^ and for Senior and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. 1. Translate into English— Un omnibus nous prit avec nos malles, et dan's l'idee qu'il nous conduirait fatalenient quelque part, nous nous laissames exnballer de confiance.