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Table K— continued. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1888— continued. WELLINGTON PRISONS— continued.


Initials of Prisoner. Offence for which punished. By whom reported. ' By whom sentenced. Punishment. F. M. Behaving in an improper manner in view of a public place Using improper language, and creating a disturb- . ance in the prison Refusing to go to work Throwing his supper-bread across the corridor, and speaking in an improper manner to his officer Disturbing the quiot of the prison, and damaging prison property Disturbing the quiet of the prison and refusing to desist when called upon Ditto .. Warder Duggan J. R. Blair, V.J. 3 days bread and water. A.F. Asst.-Matron Tracey.. J. G. Butts, V.J. L. T. C.N. The Chief Warder .. Asst.-Warder Meehan E. Pearce, V.J. J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 2 days bread and water. W.H.C. Asst.-Warder Coyle .. 1 day bread and water. G. F. H. Warder Duggan and Asst.-Warder Condliffe Ditto W. E. Gudgeon, V.J. Fined 14 days' marks. W. B. H. H. F. M. m . • 1 day bread and water, and • - fined 14 days' marks. 3 days bread and water. W.T. Disturbing the quiet of the prison Making use of highly insubordinate language Leaving his work without authority, and causing a fight between two prisoners Fighting on the works Threatening to strike his officer, and highly insubordinate language Having prohibited articles in his possession Disobedience of orders Disobedience of orders in stepping out of the ranks, and refusing to go to work at fortifications Refusing to go to work at Point Halswell Making use of improper language to his officer (1) Quarrelling with a fel-low-prisoner, and using filthy language; (2) disobedience of orders by refusing to go to separate division, and using filthy language (1) Disorderly conduct on line of march by falling out of the ranks; (2) throwing about his cell furniture, and resisting the officer in charge (1) Using highly-insubordi-nate language on labourparade to his officer; (2) having prohibited articles in his possession (1) Continued insubordination, and using filthy language to his officers ; (2) defacing his cell walls by writing upon them (1) Using insubordinate language towards his officer; (2) disturbing the quiet of the prison (1) Assaulting a fellow-pri-soner ; (2) using threatening and insulting language towards his officer (1) Assaulting a fellow - prisoner ; (2) using obscene and filthy language on t3io works Refusing to obey orders .. Tim. Chief Warder .. J. G. Butts, V.J. E.R.D. Prin.-Warder Millington E. Pearce, V.J. E.R.D. w D. M. W.T. Asst.-Warder Murphy J. Dransfield, V.J. .. /. J. ¥.] Prin.-Warder Millington J. G. Butts, V.J. Fined half the marks earned on fortifications. Fined 14 days' marks. 3 days bread and water, and fined 14 days' marks. P. G. P. G. J. R. Blair, V.J. « • • P. G. The Chief Warder .. J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. L.T. Asst.-Warder Coyle .. 1 day bread and water. C.R. The Matron J. G. Butts, V.J. 3 days bread and water on each charge. L.T. Prin.-Warder Reardon and Warder White J. Mackay, V.J. 3 days brsad and water. E.R. Asst.-Warder Murphy and Asst. - Warder Ironside J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water on each charge. E.R. Warder McKinstry and Asst. - Warder Ironside E. Pearce, V.J. 3 days bread and water on each charge. The Chief Warder and Asst.-Warder Ironside J. R. Blair, V.J. 2 days bread and water. W.B. C. S. Warder Richards J. G. Butts, V.J. 3 days bread and water on each charge. E.R.D. Prin.-Warder Reardon W. E. Gudgeon, V.J. 1 day bread and watier, and to forfeit 5 days' marks. R. McC. Asst.-Warder Coyle .. J. R. Blair, V.J. Fined 20 marks.