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Table K— continued. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1888— continued. NELSON PRISON.


D. M. Insulting language to the Gaoler The Gaoler .. John Sharp, V.J. 3 days broad and water. new plymout: PRISON. Initials of Offence for which punished. Prisoner. By whom reported. By whom sontenced. ■Punishment. J.W.K. Preferring a false charge against his officer Refusing to work.. Ditto .. The Gaoler H. Weston, V.J., and C. Rennell, J.P. R. Parris, V.J. 7 days bread and water, *nd to forfeit 10 days' marks. 3 days bread and water. 3 days bread and water, and to forfeit 14 days' marks. 14 days bread and water, and to forfeit 30 days' marks. 3 days bread and water. J.W.K. J.W.K. Prin.-Warder Flahavan Warder Ferguson J.W.K. H. Weston, V.J., and C. E. Rawson, R.M. R. Parris, V.J., T. King, V.J., and W. Weston, V.J. R. Parris, V.J., and H. Weston, V.J. C. E. Rawson, R.M. .. R. Parris, V.J., and H. Weston, V.J. R. Parris, V.J., and H. Weston, V.J. R. Parris, V.J. J.W.K. Refusing to work, and disrespectful language to Gaoler Refusing to work.. Asst.-Warder Do Blois J.W.K. J.W.K. J.W.K. Prin.-Warder Flahavan 14 days bread and water. 3 days-bread and water. W.H.F. Idleness at work Warder Ferguson W.H.F. Refusing to work, and purloining fellow - prisoners' rations Prin.-Warder Flahavan TIMARU P: ;ISON. E.W. Having prohibited articles in his possession Warder Hawkins J. Jackson, V.J. To forfeit 2 days' marks. WANGANUI P: ;ISON. J. M. G. J.M.C. Disobedience of orders Making a disturbance whilst under punishment Escaping from legal custody Asst.-Warder Mahoney The Gaoler and Asst.Warder Mahoney The Gaoler F. A. Krull, V.J. ' .. R. Ward, R.M. 1 day bread and water. 3 days bread and water. W. J. S. L. H. L. H. W.H.F. Idleness at work Disobedience of orders Having bread belonging to another prisoner in his possession Ditto Disobedience of orders, and leaving the exercise-yard without orders Disobedience of orders Keeping his cell utensils in an unclean state Escaping from legal custody Disobedience of orders Asst.-Warder Mahoney F. A. Krull, V.J. 30 days close confinement in irons. 2 days bread and water. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. B. N. Liffiton, V.J. .. W.H.F. W.H.F. The Gaoler Asst.-Warder Mahoney F. A. Krull, V.J. R. Ward, R.M, 3 days bread and water. 14 days bread and water. L. H. • L. H. The Gaoler E. N. Liffiton, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. 2 days bread and water. G. M. L. H. Asst.-Warder Mahoney R. Ward, R.M. E.N. Liffiton, V.J. .. 14 days bread and water. 3 days bread and water. WELLINGTON PRISONS. I.A.G. Refusing to obey orders .. Prin.-Warder Millington Asst.-Warder Murphy J. G. Butts, V.J. To forfeit 7 days' marks. P.G. H.P.F. Speaking in an improper manner to officer on duty (1) Using filthy language to an ofiicer of the prison ; (2) disobedience of orders, and violently resisting the officers in the discharge of their duty; (3) damaging prison property Using improper language to the Visiting Justice and respecting prison officers Shouting and disturbing the quiet of the prison The Chief Warder and Warder Forsyth The Chief Warder and Prin. - Warder Milling ton The Chief Warder and Asst. - Warder Ironside The Matron and Asst.Matron Tracoy E. Pearce, V.J. J. G. Butts, V.J. 3 days bread and water. 3 days bread and water and to forfeit 14 days' marks on each charge. 3 days bread and water. H. P. F. H.P.F. 3 days bread and water, and to forfeit 14 days' marks. A.F. (1) Quarrelling with a fel-low-prisoner; (2) attempting to assault the Matron ; ---(3) shouting, screaming, and making use of filthy language J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 2 days bread and water on each charge.