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Tokamairiro District High School.

Lawrence District High School.

The English, Latin, algebra, and agricultural chemistry were examined by Mr. Petrie, and the French, geometry, and trigonometry by Mr. Goyeu. The following notes show' the estimate we have formed of the quality of the work : — Palmerston District High School. English.—ln this subject the pupils read the whole of "Henry VIII." They showed an excellent acquaintance with the matter and action of the play, and most of them possessed a good knowledge of the meaning of different passages, and of the language generally. Derivation has received a great deal of attention, perhaps more than it deserved. Latin.—ln Class I. the translation was good on the whole, but not quite accurate in a number of small points; the parsing was accurate and the composition good. In Class 11. the translation was excellent, the questions in parsing and syntax were well answered, and the composition was very fair; the accidence, on the whole, was well known. Class 111. translated well, and did the rest of the work set very fairly. Class IV. has made a very good start. French. —Only one pupil gained less than 50 per cent, of the marks. Most of the rest passed an excellent examination in the work read during the year. Geometry.—Three pupils gained very- low marks, but most of the rest passed an excellent examination. Algebra.—Class I. answered very poorly. Class 11. did very well, there being only one inferior paper. Class 111. also answered well. Book-eeeping was not specially examined. B—-E. Ib.

Subject. Class. Number examined. Amount of Work done. English Latin I. I. 24 4 " Merchant of Venice" (Blackie's Series). Sallust's "Catiline;" Cicero; " De Amicitia;" and easy translation into Latin. Caesar's "Gallic War," Books II. and III.; " iEneid," Book II.; and easy translation into Latin. "Principia Latina," 85 pages; and Caesar's "Invasion of Britain" (Macmillan). Macmillan's Second French Course, 152 pages; and Second French Eeader, 75 pages. Macmillan's First French Course; First Beader ; and Second French Course to page 31. Euclid, Books I. to VI.; exercises on Books I. and II. Euclid, Books I., II., and III.; easy exercises on Book I. Euclid, Book I. To end of Harmonical Progression. Hamblin Smith, 233 pages. Hamblin Smith, 126 pages. Hamblin Smith, 111 pages. II. 9 a III. 1 French I. a '" IE 4 Geometry tt Algebra I. IE III. I. IE III. I. 4 8 16 4 10 13 2 tt Trigonometry ... Agricultural Chemistry I. 14 Mechanical and Chemical Analysis of Soils.

Subject. Class. Number examined. Amount of Work done. English Latin ... I. I. 23 4 " The Tempest " (Nelson's Series). Ca3sar's "Gallic War," Books E, IE, and III.; Dr. Smith's Smaller Latin Grammar. " Principia Latina," Part II.; Books IE, III., and IV. of the History ; and Smaller Latin Grammar. " Principia Latina," Part I., to end of Passive Voice of the Verb. " Charles XII.," Books I. to VI.; Grammar and Composition of Dejardin's Class Book. Dejardin's Class Book, 150 exercises; and Eeader. pages 181-212. Euclid, Books I. to IV.; exercises on Book I. Euclid, Books I. and II. Euclid, Book I. To end of Quadratic Equations. To end of Simple Equations, including Problems. To end of Fractions. Hamblin Smith, to page 75. tt • • • II. 5 a III. 12 French I. 9 a • • • II. 11 Geometry tt '" Algebra I. II. III. I. IE III. I. 10 2 4 7 7 9 6 it '" it Trigonometry ...