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The condition of the schools examined by me, as far as progress and attainments in the pass subjects are concerned, can be most readily estimated by exhibiting in a tabular form the results of examination. For the purpose of comparison wherever a comparison might prove instructive, the corresponding results of the previous year for the whole district are also given in the subjoined tables. Appendix I. to the Inspectors' reports contains tables for the North Canterbury District as a whole.

Table A.—Pass Subjects.

Table B.—Pass Subjects.

Since the group of schools for which these statistics are compiled can in no way be considered exceptionally favoured when compared with the rest of the district, it thus appears from Table A that improvement is very general. The percentage of presentation shows an increase on that of last year in each of the standard classes, with a corresponding decrease of infants. It further appears that the percentage of passes reaches a general result 2-3 above last year's. In point of absentees and exceptions also the results are better. The second of the above tables gives more detailed information on the matters summarised in the first, and from it too may be easily gathered the gratifying fact that a distinct advance has been made on the results of the previous year. In only two cases could an unfavourable comparison be instituted, and in these the falling off is more apparent than real. That the rate of failure in the First and Sixth Standards should be higher for a section of the district, composed in the main of country schools, than for the whole district is only what might be expected, for it is exactly in these two standards that the returns for the four large town schools most perceptibly raise the average of attainment. The position occupied by class subjects is still one of little merit, though it is gratifying to note improvement in drawing and geography. The percentages in the various subjects are : Drawing, 38 for fifty-six schools; history, 39 for fifty-eight schools ; geography, 57 for fifty-nine schools ; and science and object lessons, 39 for fifty-nine schools. The general result is 43-45, as compared with 40-93 last year. The average marks in the separate subjects of the additional group are almost identical with those of last year. Poetry receives 11-8 marks for fifty-nine schools; drill, 11-1 for fifty-seven schools; singing, 10-5 for fifty schools; sewing, 138 for fifty-eight schools; and subject matter, 12-1 for fifty-nine schools. The average of the sum of the additional marks for each school is 57.

CD <D •a* ft CI o m X> c3 CD a A M CD . § O A n3 '3 H-C CD .□ a o '■A CD 03 d Pi CD a Proport sentod pe: Total Sol: lion prer Cent, of lool Boll. Proportic per Cent. School m passed . of Total 1 Roll. Classes. Number of Schools presenting. Northern Division, 1888. Whole District, 1887. Northern! Division,! 1888. I Whole District, 1887. S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 SI P. ... 30 149 370 706 1,110 1,070 1,035 2,324 4 8 41 60 56 45 "li 20. 43 50 49; 32 43 133 196 323 150 109 101 209 426 677 815 849 0-44 2-19 5-45 10-39 16-34 15-75 15-23 34-21 0-42 2-00 5-67 10-08 16-10 15-29 14-44 35-95 1-49 3-08 6-27 9-96 11-98 12-48 1-45 3-07 5-73 9-25 11-25 12-21 12 40 48 55 58 59 58 59 orthern Division, 1888 /hole district, 1887 6,794 214 195: 954 3,077 100 45-29 59 19,447 635 590' 2,796 8,353 100 42-95 153

S 6. S 5. S 4. s S s 1. Ss -1. Proportions calculated in Percentages. 81 s | gg I ® ,4" 2k1 f! si 5.3 o rt o © - .2 - $ g H CO 1J s £ GO += o n © .Sis PS ©rH | S CD 43 o o A o H -P Pi ©tH O J? £.00 -p o o 2 O cc CO ©tH o 3 o 4-T o '£ si ©1-1 O -a Proportion absent of class roll Proportion excepted of class roll Proportion failed of class roll Proportion passed of class roll Proportion failed of the sum of passes and fail urea 2-08 2-31 2-16 4-90 5-81 6-12 5-41 6-13 5-23 4-74 4-35 4-22 4-82 5-13 0-67 2-31 5-41 4-02 6-09 5-41 4-50 6-29 4-58 5-62 3-09 2-13 4-39 4-78 28-86 22-83 35-95 .36-36 27-76 31-58 23-10 30-15 14-02 16-08 10-53 9-40 21-49 22-60 67-79 72-49 56-49 54-13 00-34 56-89 00-99 57-43 70-17 73-56 82-03 84-24 69-30 67-50 29-86 23-99 38-89 40-18 31-51 35-70 32-30 31-43 1554 17-94 11-38 10-04 23-67 25-08