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Return showing Names of Persons drawing Pensions, &c. — continued.


Name, l Amount Date when of Tension per Pension was Annum.. granted. 2 3 For "what Services such Pension is being paid. Ago at Time of Retirement. Salary at Time of Retirement, Length of Service. 4 o v The Civil Sebvicb Acts, 1858 to 1866 — continued. Teague, W. E. Thomas, G. W. Thomas, W. Fj. Tidmarsh, W. Tucker, W. C. Veale, J. .. Veale, J. S. Wayland, J. M. Ward, J. N. White, W. White, W. B.1 & s. a. Years. 1(30 0 0 1 Nov., 1880 Chief Clerk, Registrar-General 68 38 15 0 1 Nov., 1875 Customs .. .. .. 34 145 16 8 1 July, 1887 Customs .. .. .. 61 69' 7 3 1 Aug., 1867 Customs .. .. .. 61 104 13 4 31 Deo., 1880 Officer in Charge, Nelson .. 44 49 15 3 1 Sept., 1885 Customs .. .. .. 61 56 2 10 1 Sept., 1887 Customs .. .. .. 60 205 1 2 1 Nov., 1883 Registrar of Births, &c. .. 00 100 0 0 9 Mar., 1873 Chief Clerk, Treasury 36 5 0 1 July, 1881 Lineman .. .. .. 47 375 4 9 1 July, 1873 Resident Magistrate and 52 Crown Agent, &c. 250 0 0 1 Nov., 1880 Registrar, Supreme Court .. 65 135 0 0 1 April, 1880 Resident Magistrate .. (il 122 17 2 1 April, 1887 Customs .. .. .. 04 127 19 4 1 Feb., 1874 Postmaster .. .. 60 100 14 3 1 Fob., 1881 Customs .. .. .. 55 183 0 8 11 Sept., 1878 Resident Magistrate, Timaru 02 216 13 4 1 Jan., 1881 Resident Magistrate, Upper 46jij Whanganui 350 0 0 1 Jan., 1860 Customs .. .. .. 52 & 320 180 350 140 300 131 131 325 300 145 575 Years. 16J 10 24 23 17 21 25 23 15 13 2SJ; Willcocks, E. S. .. Williams, E. M. .. Williams, S. J. Wilkin, J. J. Wilson, W. W. Woolcombe, B. Woon, R. W. 500 450 300 250 180 350 350 19i 18? 25 20 23 21 27 Young, W. 600 24 " The Greenwood Pension Act, 1877." I Greenwood, J. D. .. 120 0 0 | 25 July, 1877 I Sergeant- at-Arms .. .. | Collins, M. " The Meredith and Othebs Pensions Act, 1870." Hamlin, R. B. 65 0 0 13 Nov., 1869 Husband died on active service in the field. 50 0 0 .. Husband murdered at Wairoa Valley. 45 o o Husband murdered at Shep- . .. herd's Bush. Meredith, E. u The Military Pensions Act, 1866." 1 Pensions to Widows. Brown, M. R. 75 0 0 \ / Husband killed at Te Ngutu-o-te-Mana 70 0 0 Husband killed at To Ngutu- .9 "§ _o> o-te-MaHa 05 0 0 I |ii J Husband killed 40 0 0 I >2 \ Husband's services .. J^ 3(5 0 0 -B > Husband killed .. .. „ 30 0 0 Husband's services 120 0 0 " Husband killed at Te Ngutu- \ o-te-Mana g3 20 0 0 | 1 July, 1870 Widow of Pauekaru, killed in I -g action rpj 12 0 0 8 Nov., 18G8 Husband killed at Okotuku g 20 0 0 1 July, 1870 Widow of Moheta, killed in g action £ 86 0 0 3 Dec, 18G0 Widow of Wi Ngahereni .. fzj 36 0 0 1 Oct., 1874 On account of her husband's loyalty. The [Native .pre- g viously received a pension from Civil List (Native "g pensions) a ■ >-t Bucks, C. M., Mrs. .. Hastings, L. McDonald, E. Morrison, A. Russell, C. VonTempsky, A., Mrs. .9 O © g <D bo C3 t-i O H3 s-i O o CD H O 3 Arapera, Te Eeo .. Iritona, Hanita Mata, Kiriwai Marara, Ngakoa .. Mere, Karaka Kopu Geary, C. H. Hart, A. (children of) Hunter, E. M. E. .. McDonald, E. (child of) McKenzie, J. H. SP O o "ii o CD ft _| tn > •D W >~> ■I-H fH Pi c3 DO I 1 'So o s .2 'a a w o *3 o 1 'g3 O o a M O |3 O Compassionate Allowances. 12 0 0 !\ /' Father killed 6 0 0 L. . , Father killed .. .. S 10 0 0 Nomforma- Father killed .. .. •" C 0 0 f tlon a7all"1 Father's services .. .. 8 able .S G 0 0 j V Father's services .. .. jg Pensions for Wounds, &c. & 1 Adamson, T. Beamish, J. G. Corbett, G. Crawford, C. F. Crosby, H. Dore, G. H. 39 10 0 ~) <a f Severely wounded .. .. 2 27 7 6 3 Wounded at Turuturu Mokai 36 10 0 r^ Services during war 36 10 0 Military services .. .. & 36 10 0 Military services .. .. 30 10 0 | Severely wounded at Te Ngu-tu-o-te-Mana 39 10 0 Military services .. .. &o 39 10 0 Wounded at Te Ngutu-o-to-Mana .2 18 5 0 Military services 27 7 6 j H i. Wounded at Te Ngutu-o-te- J p^ Man a Gibbons, M. C. Hamblyn, J. Honshaw, T. J. Hope, E. L. * No information avf included in service for i tinned to serve until 1st lilable. t M vrrich pension ■ April, 1887. Pe: >. White continued to act as Native Agent till the 3 was granted. t Appointed Judge, Native Land C asion during this period in abeyance. st Decenlb Jourt, at £65 31-, 1878. This I »0, 29th April, II lerioS is not 181, and con-