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RETURN No. 28. COMPARING the Classified Expenditure for Maintenance on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway for Ten Years, 1878 to 1888, showing Rates per Mile per Annum for each Classification in each Division.

Years. A 1.—Track A 2. —Track Surfacing. Renewals. A 3.—Bal- A 4.—Banks, lasting. Cuttings, &c. A. 5—Bridges, Culverts, &c. A 6.—Fences, Gates, &c. A 7.—Road Approaches, &c. A 8.—Water Services, &c. A 9.Wharves. A 10.— Buildings. Total Main- A 11.— Mistenance. cellaneous. Total Expenditure. Mileage maintained. Christchurch Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Duncdin Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Invercargill Division — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 Whole Line, Hiirunui-Bluff — 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 £ 73-06 72'O2 59'93 5876 6o'o6 6i-88 62-01 60-97 59'54 30-55 3575 29-77 40-82 40-56 42'12 44-O7 26-39 I4-56 £ 5-07 6'24 8-32 4-03 3-12 4-03 1-82 8-97 16-25 6-76 3'9° 2-34 2-86 2"34 1-69 1-82 2'34 £ 33-28 23-01 10-40 Jo-53 I4-43 22'I0 I5-6O I3-52 I56O 18-72 £ g-io 3-64 5-46 6-24 10-27 ii-i8 •8-71 8-97 7-41 7-28 £ 1-30 4-55 i-56 1-69 2-08 1-82 r95 2-08 1-69 2-08 £ 4-29 273 3'64 5'59 4-81 4-68 4-42 3-Si 3^5 £ •00 '00 •00 '00 ■00 •00 ■00 •00 •13 ■00 £ 13-00 8-32 9-23 9-62 "■57 12-48 I2'6l 10-14 13-00 £ 180-70 174-07 134-16 132-34 148-72 163-41 168-87 150-80 130-65 123-50 £ 21-97 26-65 9-23 4'94 6-89 10-40 9-23 6-89 11-31 18-59 £ 202-67 200-72 I43-39 137-28 !55-6i 173-81 178-10 157-69 141-96 142-09 Miles. 310 312 33O 334 352 373 383 404 449 450 1-43 2-99 273 93-08 110-89 79'95 69'SS 72-71 8o-6o 76-44 76-18 71-76 79'43 49-66 62-53 46-41 52-52 69-81 70-46 40-82 33-54 22-23 10-53 23-40 1690 IC27 I3-52 14-30 8-97 1092 5'07 6-89 9"io 22-36 21-84 16-77 16-38 13-52 26-52 15-60 20'02 I9'5O 16-77 I5-73 I4-95 16-25 I 5 -86 13-26 I2'6l 4-94 5-98 io'66 10-53 24-83 22-49 I9-37 I9-37 I5-47 13-26 i'95 2-34 2-60 2'73 5'59 2'73 1-69 2-86 1-69 1-82 3' 64 4'SS 5'59 3'9° 3-38 3-38 1-82 2-47 ■91 ■13 2-73 78 ■39 •78 •39 1'43 ■00 •26 6-24 5-85 5-98 "■57 21-15 11-05 10-27 14-43 1066 8-71 227-89 241-93 223-60 185-25 228'02 235-95 226-33 198-77 183-17 I55'22 7-02 !5'47 17-81 871 6-50 6-63 16-25 4-16 468 5-46 234-9 1 257-40 241-41 193-96 234-52 242-58 242-58 202-93 187-85 16068 252 265 265 290 282 282 286 293 318 326 i'43 i-43 55-5I 58-63 47-58 42-77 47-45 57-59 52-00 53-56 49-27 13-26 I5-73 9-49 22-62 26'oo 28-21 11-96 14-30 6-50 8-58 8-58 4-81 15-08 8-97 5-07 1-56 2I'O6 I2'3S 7-54 9-75 5-98 377 5-98 871 585 9-10 10-53 6-24 6-89 11-96 8-97 11-44 10-40 8-71 1092 7-i5 ' -9 1 2-08 1-82 273 4-68 6-76 6'24 6-76 2-86 3-12 78 1-30 1-04 2'2I I- 5 6 2'2I 2-47 •91 ■65 78 1-56 377 4'5S 2-08 2-47 2-47 1 -30 1-56 •00 •00 •13 ■13 "00 '!3 ■00 •26 •00 •00 i'43 1-69 4-16 780 1079 7"93 5-20 5'33 4-42 116-61 H3'io 8671 II2- 32 118-56 129-09 I4I-7O iii-8o 94-38 80-34 9'10 7-67 2-60 2-60 3-38 3-77 3-64 4-42 2-08 325 125-71 12077 89-31 114-92 121-94 132-86 I45-34 Il6'22 IO3-74 83-59 144 173 173 176 191 198 200 208 257 262 39'39 14-69 1287 7-6 7 76-57 82-68 64-09 56-16 61-36 66-30 64-3S 64-74 6253 59-67 44-46 36-01 36-53 38-87 48-10 58-50 36-27 25-22 1521 8-45 14-17 10-92 7-28 7'93 7'54 775 6-24 4-16 3'77 11-70 !7'5S I2'22 8-45 8-19 7-54 8-71 7-i5 10-53 8 19 23-92 17-94 11-83 12-74 I3-39 16-90 14-56 I3'65 I39 1 5-85 4-16 6'37 7-02 14-04 11-70 11-83 871 8-19 1'43 2'99 1-82 2*21 3'25 1 "95 2-34 1 "43 i-43 3'64 2'6o 273 5'33 3-90 377 3'64 2-47 2-47 •26 ■00 1-14 •39 ■13 '39 •13 ■52 ■00 ■13 8-19 5-98 6-89 9-88 14-30 13-00 io'66 11-44 9.10 9-49 184-47 184-08 I54H4 147-03 169-26 179-53 181-48 I57-3O 137-80 122-46 14-04 18-33 io-66 5-85 5-98 9-67 10-14 5H6 7'02 io'66 198-51 202-41 l65'IO 152-88 I75-24 187-20 191-62 162-76 14664 i33' 12 706 750 768 800 825 853 869 9O5 1,024 1,038